Admissions Analytics Dashboard

Admissions Analytics Dashboard

Access the Admissions Analytics Dashboard via GradPoint and click the “Reports” tab and select the Admissions Analytics from the drop down and click view. For users that have access via PowerBI, the Dashboard can be accessed by going directly to PowerBI and finding the App Graduate Division Admissions Dashboard.

Dashboard Layout

Graduate Division Admissions Dashboard Manual

The Graduate Division Admissions Dashboard contains data on student applications, admissions, and SIR Yes (Student Intent to Register statement (Yes)). Data is available between 2012 and 2022. Throughout the dashboard pages, information on applications, admissions, and SIR data has been broken out by departments, race/ethnicity, gender, by application cycle yield, reasons why students applied to UCSB, undergraduate feeder institutions, and finally, origin of international students. In many of the pages, data is viewable in Chart view as well as Table view. An arrow on the page allows the viewer to toggle between views.

Upon opening the Graduate Division Admissions Dashboard, Pages of the dashboard are located on the left in the PowerBI App and along the bottom in the GradPoint Portal (see images below) and contain the following pages:

  • Admissions Cycle Overview

  • Admissions by Department

  • Yield by Application Cycle

  • SIR Responses Today

  • Domestic IPEDS Diversity

  • Ethnicity Breakdown

  • Gender Dashboard

  • Reasons for Applying

  • Undergraduate Feeder Institutions

  • International Student Origin



Viewers using GradPoint to access the Admissions Dashboard will find pages on the bottom of their screen. Additionally, Toggle Size allows for an increased view of the dashboard.



Within each of the pages, several filters allow the viewer to choose what they would like to see. Filters include the following:

  • Application Year

    • 2012-Current

  • Citizenship

    • Domestic (US citizen or Permanent resident)

    • International

  • Objective Group

    • Doctoral

    • Masters

  • Gender

    • Diverse Gender (Genderqueer / gender non-conforming and different identity)

    • Female (Trans Female; Female)

    • Male (Trans Male; Male)

    • Unknown (Blank; unselected gender)

  • URM (Underrepresented Minority) 1

    • URM (Black; Hispanic/Latino; American Indian/Alaskan Native)

    • Non URM (Asian/Pacific Islander; White)

    • International (Non US Citizen or Permanent Resident)

    • Unknown

  • First Gen. (First generation college student)

    • Yes (First in the family to attend university/college)

    • No (not first in the family to attend university/college)

  • Academic Program (Both division and department)

  • IPEDS Ethnicity (available on the Gender Dashboard page only)

    • Black non-Hispanic

    • Hispanic/Latino

    • American Indian/Alaskan Native

    • Asian/Pacific Islander

    • White non-Hispanic

    • Two or more races

    • Race/ethnicity unknown

  • Ethnic Origin Code and Ethnic Value 2

1, 2 See Ethnic Origin Code Glossary at the end of this instruction manual for further information on URM translation and other race/ethnicity definitions


Viewers should pay attention to filters that are selected, as once selected they sometimes are maintained throughout other pages of the dashboard. For example, if Application Year filter is changed to 2020, other dashboard pages and table views will also show data only for application year 2020.

*Deselecting all choices in of the filters still will show all options. All and no choices selected produce the same result

Within Academic Program filter there is the option to click on the arrow next to the division name and see departments. Viewers can choose the division or drill down to the department that they want to view.


Application, Admission, SIR Yes Views

On the following dashboard pages: Admissions by Department, Domestic IPEDS Diversity, Ethnicity Breakdown, Gender Dashboard, Reasons for applying, Undergraduate Feeder Institution, and International Student Origin, viewers have the option to view the dashboard by Applications, Admitted, and SIR Yes data. Viewers can toggle back and forth between views.


Exporting Data

On any page in the report, in both chart and table view, viewers have the option to export the data. Scrolling the mouse to the right upper hand corner of a chart or table brings up three dots. Clicking on these dots the viewer can export the data in the visual into an XLS or CSV format for further use. Using filter options will constrain the data that is exported. Users should be sure their filters are selected before exporting data. The orange circle and arrow allow the user to refresh their data and reset their filters.


Dashboard Pages Admission Cycle Overview

This page provides table and chart views of applications, admits, and SIR Yes responses. It includes a visual that shows how applications funnel into admissions and into SIR Yes responses.


Admission by Department

The admission dashboard page provides detailed application, admission, and SIR yes information for all divisions and departments on campus. To see information about a specific department, choose the Academic Program Filter, then choose the division and department.


Yield by Application Cycle

The Yield by Application Cycle page provides information on annual applications, admission, and SIR Yes responses. It also includes calculations of Admit Percent and Yield Percent.

  • The Admit Percent is calculated as the number of admitted students per year divided by the number of students who applied for that year multiplied by 100.

  • The Yield Percent is calculated as the number of students who SIR Yes per year divided by the number of students who were admitted per year multiplied by 100.


Race/Ethnicity Pages

Domestic IPEDS Diversity and Ethnicity Breakdown

Race and ethnicity calculations are only for domestic students. Domestic students are defined as either US Citizens or Permanent Residence (Green Card holders). Visa holders and international students are not shown in race/ethnicity breakdowns and instead their information is available on the International Student Origin page. Undocumented students are considered to be international students.


Domestic IPEDS Diversity Page

The IPEDS data (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) rolls up race and ethnicity data into seven categories: American Indian or Alaskan Native; Asian or Pacific Islander; Black non-Hispanic; Hispanic; White non-Hispanic; Two or More Ethnicities, Race/ethnicity unknown.

Data is also viewable by Underrepresented Minority (URM) status. URM is defined as American Indian or Alaskan Native, Black non- Hispanic, Hispanic, or Two or more races if they include at least one URM category mentioned.


Ethnicity Breakdown

Within eApp, the Graduate Division’s online application to graduate programs at UCSB, applicants answer a set of three questions related to their racial and ethnic identity and background. The answers to these questions are rolled up for reporting purposes. However, the unrolled questions provide details which are imperative to certain decisions and operations. This report breaks down the responses to those questions.

The three Race / Ethnicity questions presented to applicants in eApp are as follows:

  • Hispanic/Latino (1a) – Do you consider yourself Hispanic or Latino? (Includes persons of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American or other Spanish culture or origin)

    • Yes/No

  • Other Ethnicities (1b) - In addition, select one or more of the following racial categories as appropriate for you.

  • Ethnicity in Detail (2) - For University of California purposes, to help us understand the diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds

    of our students, which of the following groups best describes your background? Check as many categories as may apply.

  • By clicking on one of the three ethnicity options in the dashboard, you will see the counts of domestic students who have chosen the response, as well as the percentage calculated by the number of individuals choosing the response divided by total domestic student count, multiplied by 100.

A person can choose more than one response, so the total percentages will be above 100%.

***See the Ethnicity Origin Code Glossary at the end of the instruction manual for further information on Race/Ethnicity***


Ethnicity Breakdown: Hispanic/Latino

The Hispanic/Latino eAPP questions asks:

  • Do you consider yourself Hispanic or Latino? (Includes persons of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American or other Spanish culture or origin)

    • Yes / No

To view the response to this question the user should choose Hispanic/Latino. The count and percentage of students who reply yes to Hispanic/Latino (Question 1A on eAPP) are viewable in both the Chart and Table View of the Ethnicity Breakdown page.


Ethnicity Breakdown: Other Ethnicities

The Other Ethnicities eAPP question asks:

  • In addition, select one or more of the following racial categories as appropriate for you.

For the Other Ethnicity option, the dashboard provides the option of scrolling down and seeing the total domestic student count by year, the count of students by year who choose the ethnicity, and the percentage calculated by the count of students by year who choose the ethnicity divided by the total domestic student count by year.


Ethnicity Breakdown: Other Ethnicities - Table View

Other Ethnicities in Table View provide viewers a side-by-side tabular comparison of question 1B from eAPP (In addition, select one or more of the following racial categories as appropriate for you)

* This selection does not include Hispanic/Latino responses, which are in question 1A (Hispanic Latino).

By clicking on Ethnic Value, the viewer can view and choose all the detailed race/ethnicity categories


Ethnicity Breakdown: Ethnicity in Detail

The Ethnicity in Detail eAPP question asks:

  • For University of California purposes, to help us understand the diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds of our students, which of the following groups best describes your background? Check as many categories as may apply.

For the Ethnicity in Detail option, the dashboard provides the option of scrolling and seeing the total domestic student count by year, the count of students by year who chose the ethnicity, and the percentage calculated by the count of students by year who chose the ethnicity divided by the total domestic student count by year.

*This is the most detailed view of race and ethnicity.


Ethnicity Breakdown: Ethnicity in Detail – Tabular View

Categories for the Ethnicity in Detail question have changed over time. Some responses may have zero counts prior to or after a certain year. This often indicates that the question has changed and been replaced with a new question.

  • One example is American Indian and American Indian/Alaskan Native. American Indian category question was started in 2014, the American Indian/Alaska Native category question was shown in 2012 and 2013.

By clicking on Ethnic Value, the viewer can view and choose all the detailed race/ethnicity categories

Gender Dashboard

The Gender Dashboard provides aggregate rolled-up information on gender. Gender is aggregated and reported in the following manner:

  • Female and trans female reported as Female

  • Male and trans male reported as Male

  • Genderqueer / gender non-conforming and different identity reported as Diverse Gender

  • No response reported as Unknown

Viewers can additionally filter gender by IPEDS ethnicity (see the Ethnicity Origin Code Glossary for additional information)


Reasons for Applying

The Reasons for Applying dashboard lists reasons students choose to apply to UCSB graduate programs. The dashboard gives information on reasons for applying based on a dropdown selection in the application.


Top 10 Undergraduate Feeder Institutions

Students apply to UCSB graduate programs from undergraduate institutions across the world. This page shows the top 10 undergraduate institutions that students apply from. The percentages and proportions shown on this page relate only to the top 10 feeder institutions, not to the entire sample of feeder institutions.


International Student Origin

While race and ethnicities of international students are not reported, other information on international students is viewable in the International Student Origin page. The percentage of graduate students who are international, the top 10 countries of origin, the fluctuation of country of origin over time, and the proportion of the top 10 countries of origin by division. The percentages and proportions shown on this page relate only to the top 10 countries of origin, not to the entire sample of countries.


Ethnic Origin Code Glossary


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