Minor Reports in PowerBI

Minor Reports in PowerBI

There are two reports available in the PowerBI “Student Reporting” app to assist with minor tracking:

  • Student Extract Minor

  • Under “Degrees”

    • UG Minor Candidates

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Student Extract Minor

This report displays all current students for a specific quarter who have a minor listed on their UCSB academic record.

Filters available:

  • Quarter

  • Minor Department

    • Choose this option to see all minors offered by a department (example: History)

  • Minor

    • Choose this option to see a specific minor (example: Labor Studies)


UG Minor Candidates

This report displays all degree candidates for a specific quarter who have a minor listed on their UCSB academic record.

This report is helpful to find a list of all degree candidates who will need to either

Filters available:

  • Quarter Name

  • Minor Department

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