Student Profile - Academics

Student Profile - Academics



The student Profile is where you are taken after you search for a student, and click their name. It houses the student’s name and pronouns, Student Summary Box, and several tabs. The default landing tab is the Student Tab.


Why You Need it

The Student Profile contains all of the Academic data for the student, organized into a Student Summary Box and several tabs.


Student Name and Pronouns

  • Users will see the student’s lived/preferred name (if provided by student)

  • If lived/preferred name is not provided, then users will see the student’s legal name

  • Pronouns are displayed if provided by student

Student Summary Box

Personal/Demographic Box

  • Full Legal name only displays to Graddiv staff

    • Not released to all staff members because legal first is only “need to know”

  • Previous Name

    • Field from the Registrar’s Office, helpful in cases where a student changed their name and you are trying to identify the correct student

  • Ethnicity

    • Drawn from Registrar data, which originates from their graduate application

  • Email

    • Should always display their @ucsb email address

  • Phone and Local address

    • Drawn from the Registrar’s data

Student Misc Programs Box

This box captures miscellaneous data and programs from the Registrar Record. If the student was an undergrad at UCSB, data from that period of time will reflect in this box as well, such as Study Abroad participation.

There is a long list of things that could possibly be listed here, but the most common for grad students are;

  • Duration of Non-California Residency

  • Advancement to Candidacy (the NRST fee waiver period is listed here for all students, even if they are not international). This also does not reflect the new policy of only counting registered quarters for the waiver period, so this data should not be used to determine when an international student will owe NRST again. Instead, a better use of data is the P2-P3 report, or the projected P3 quarter in the TTD box.

  • In Absentia quarters

  • Leave of Absence quarters

  • 5 year BA/MA program participation

  • Grad Scholars program participation

  • Education Abroad

In Absentia Box

This box displays all of the In Absentia quarters, locations, and statuses for the student (including upcoming quarters).

Leave of Absence Box

This box displays all of the Leave of Absence quarters a student has been approved for (including upcoming quarters).


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