GradPoint Access
To request access to GradPoint, submit the request using the online GD System Access Request Form. Access is granted to campus staff and faculty in academic departments and research units who are responsible for processing and approving graduate student academic and financial support related items. Due to the confidential data available in GradPoint, Graduate Division requires all system users complete UCSB’s FERPA training, Requests must be approved by the department chair or research unit PI.
For help on completing the GD System Access Request Form, go here.
GradPoint System User Roles
GradPoint Academics Roles
Department Viewer: This role has access to graduate student data by academic department and file resources documents for Staff Graduate Program Advisors, Faculty Graduate Advisors, and Chairs.
Central Viewer: For central offices to be able to view basic information about students across multiple departments.
Resources Only Viewer: This role has access to file resources documents and campus contacts that Graduate Division has created and maintains.
Department Chair: Department chair can submit and approve actions that require their input and see all student data in their department.
Faculty Graduate Advisor: Department Graduate Advisor can submit and approve department actions that require their input and see all student data in their department.
Staff Graduate Advisor: Department Staff Advisor can submit and approve department actions that require their input and see all student data in their department.
GradPoint Financial Roles
Viewer: View only role. This role can view graduate student financial data related to fellowship and employment commitments and payments for students in their academic department. (Access to report data.)
Preparer: This role can add/edit graduate student fellowship commitments and view fellowship and employment payments for students in their academic department. (Access to report data.)
Approver: This role can approve graduate student fellowship commitments and view fellowship and employment payments for students in their academic department. (Access to report data.)
Employment Viewer: View only role. This role can view graduate student financial data related to employment commitments and payments for students in their academic department. (No report data.)
Admissions AppReview Roles
Department Chair (Faculty Role): The Department Chair is responsible for assigning permissions to all departmental users in App Review. This role is also a Full Reviewer and may approve decisions in the decision queues.
Application Administrator (Staff Role): The Application Administrator is responsible for data entry in App Review. This role has access to the Edit button for applications and can modify applicant data. They can also upload/delete documents, upload letters of recommendation, make comments to the applicant, and internal comments.
Queue Manager (Staff Role): The Queue Manager is responsible for moving applications from one App Review queue to another. This role may move submitted applications into the following queues: Submitted, Review, and the department decision queues (Admit, Exceptions, Deny, and Incomplete). Application Administrators are usually also assigned to the Queue Manager role.
Faculty Admissions Chair or Graduate Advisor (Faculty Role): This role has Full Reviewer privileges and can also approve decisions in the decision queues, submit and approve Deferral Requests, and access the Reports menu. No more than two faculty per department can occupy this role. Only the Faculty Graduate Advisor and the Faculty Admissions Chair (if the department has one) should be assigned this role.
Fellowships Approver (Faculty Role): Users assigned to this role are responsible for approving nominations for the Recruitment Competition made by the Fellowships Administrator prior to the nomination deadline.
Roles Assigned by the Department Chair: The following roles do not require Graduate Division Approval and should be assigned by the Department Chair in the Admin Menu of App Review. Please see the Admissions Manual for more information on these user roles.
Category Manager (Faculty OR Staff Role)
Fellowships Administrator (Staff Role; also known as Nomination Submitter)
Full Reviewer (Faculty Role)
Restricted Reviewer (Faculty Role)
Permissions, Google Groups (listervs), Forums
The GradPoint Campus Contact List grants the following permissions users in those roles as specified in the below table.
Campus Contact List Role | Description | Automated Systems Access granted | Automated Listservs added to | Automated Forum added to | Automated email CCs |
Department Chair (IDM Bundled) | Faculty head of an academic department | GradPoint Academics:
GradPoint Financial:
GradPoint Landing:
GradPoint Admissions
| none | none | |
Faculty Graduate Advisor (IDM Bundled)
| Faculty member appointed to oversee the graduate program in the academic department | GradPoint Academics:
GradPoint Financial:
GradPoint Landing:
GradPoint Admissions:
| ||
Staff Graduate Advisor (IDM Bundled) | Staff in the academic department responsible for administering the graduate program | GradPoint Academics:
GradPoint Financial:
GradPoint Landing:
GradPoint Admissions:
| ||
Faculty Admissions Chair (IDM Bundled) | Faculty in the academic department appointed to make admissions decisions (and is not also the Chair or Faculty Graduate Advisor) | GradPoint Landing:
GradPoint Admissions:
| none | none | none |
Graduate Diversity Officer | Faculty in the academic department appointed to oversee diversity matters | none | none | none | |
Department Business Officer | Chief of Staff in the academic department | none | none | none | |
Graduate Employment Assistant | Staff in the department responsible for grad student employment matters | none | none | none | none |
Emphasis Director | Faculty appointed to direct an interdisciplinary emphasis | PowerBI
| none | none | |
Emphasis Staff | Staff responsible to administer an interdisciplinary emphasis | PowerBI
| none | none | |
Other Graduate Staff | Staff in an academic department who help in one or more areas of grad program administration, but isn’t the staff graduate advisor | none | none | none |