Emphasis Reports Set

Emphasis Reports Set

The Emphasis Reports Set is available in PowerBI, and Emphasis Directors and Staff will be able to view the data related to their emphasis only after being designated to such a role in the GradPoint Campus Contact List.

  • Landing: the landing page is where you will “land” when arriving at the Emphasis Reports Set. It includes multiple summary reports of data that may be interesting to you. Although you will only see data for students who have added your emphasis, some students are enrolled in multiple emphases so there will be some data related to other emphases that is shown here. As an example, here is a screenshot from the test environment:



  • Emphasis Enrollment Summary: This report provides a list of all students currently enrolled in the emphasis. You do not need to select a quarter, the report will automatically pull the data from the current quarter. Here is a screenshot from the test environment as an example:



  • Degrees Awarded: This report provides a list of students who completed the emphasis and had their associated degree awarded. The report defaults to all quarters, but the quarter filter can be used to look at specific quarters. here is a screenshot from the test environment:


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