Reports - Academic Services

The Academic Services Reports will allow you to run reports on students ranging from registration, grades, to time-to-degree.


The Academic Services Reports can be accessed via GradPoint Academics by navigating to the Reports Tab

Once you are in the Reports Tab, choose the Report Set that you want from the dropdown list:

Below are the Report Sets, and what reports are in each each set:

Academic Performance & Standing

  • Instructor Incomplete

  • Student Incomplete

  • Grades

  • Academic Standing

  • Time to Degree Standards (once created)

  • Time to Degree Students/Programs (once created)

Student Enrollment

  • Student Registration

  • Block reasons

  • Open Degree

  • LOA

  • In Absentia

  • Emphasis Enrollment Summary

  • Intercampus Exchange

  • Reinstatements

  • P2->P3

  • Student Data

Degrees Awarded

  • Degrees Awarded


  • Committee Members


  • Commencement Registration

Update Schedule

The Academic Services reports are updated with fresh data twice a day, once overnight at approximately 1am, and once in the early afternoon at approximately 1pm.

You can see the last time the data was refreshed by clicking the I icon in the right corner:

It will pop up a box with the last refresh date and time:

To close the box, click the arrow button in the top right:

Other Common Features

Exporting to Excel

To export a report to excel:

  1. Make sure you have clicked within the report

  2. Click on the three dots in the right corner under the I button

  3. Click Export Data from the dropdown menu

4. Choose your format, and click Export


How to reset all of your slicers and filters

If you have chosen a lot of slicers or filters, and want to reset the report to default, click the arrow in the top right

How to find more filters in addition to the slicers at the top

In addition to the easy-to-use slicers at the top of each report, additional filters can be used by clicking the < button on the far right above Filters

This will open a long list of available filters to further refine your reports


Available Reports