TTD Exceptions

TTD Exceptions

This report is used to see what Time-to-Degree exceptions your students have been granted.


Why you need it

This report will allow you to see all of the Time-to-Degree exceptions that students in your department have received.



The report has several slicers to help you find the information you need.

Open Degree

  • This will allow you to filter for students with or without an open degree objective


  • This will allow you to filter by Exception Reason


  • If you have access to records for multiple departments, you can filter between them


  • To search for a specific student by perm



  • Student Perm number


  • Student name (preferred first is always displayed if student has indicated one)


  • Objective that the exception applies to


  • Major that the exception applies to

Start Quarter

  • Start quarter for the major/objective that the exception applies to

TTD Adjustment

  • The amount of additional quarters the student received towards their Time-to-degree

TTA Adjustment

  • The amount of additional quarters the student received towards their Time-to-advance

Adjusted TTD Total

  • This is the new TTD that includes the exception

Adjusted TTA Total

  • This is the new TTA that includes the exception

Exception Reason

  • This is the reason that the student received the exception

Exception Notes

  • Additional notes about the exception

Approval Date

  • This is the date that the exception was approved, and matches the date field in GradPoint- TTD Box- exceptions. This date can change, since the field is editable in GradPoint

Create By

  • This is an audit field that displays who created the exception record. Old records entered via access will display Mead, Justin (due to the load of the old data into the new system), all entries via GradPoint will have the correct audit data

Create Date

  • This is an audit field. This date is created at the time that the exception record is created, and doesn’t change

Update Date

  • This is an audit field that populates if you update an existing exception record, and this date won’t ever change

Update By

  • This is an audit field that displays who updated the record


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