Committees Tab (Draft)

The Committee Box displays the student’s thesis or dissertation committee

Committee Types

  • Master’s Thesis

    • For students with open objectives, this is the nominated committee

    • For awarded degrees, this is the final thesis committee

  • Doctoral Exam

    • For students that have not advanced to candidacy, this is the committee that they have nominated

    • For students that have advanced to candidacy, this is the final qualifying exam committee

  • Doctoral Dissertation

    • For students with open objectives, this is the nominated committee

    • For awarded degrees, this is the final dissertation committee


  • Chair

    • Indicates a sole chair

  • Co-Chair

    • Each co-chair is labeled co-chair

  • Member

  • Outside member

    • Indicates a member that is not an Academic Senate member


  • The name field is not perfectly consistent due to issues with older data, and manual data entry

Doctoral Programs Example

  • Committees are recorded for the qualifying exam and for the dissertation

Master’s Thesis Example