TTD Students/Programs
This report will display all of your student’s and where they are within their time-to-degree standards
Why you need it
This report will replace the quarterly TTD report that used to be emailed out to the departments each quarter. This report displays the time-to-degree (TTA) and time-to-advance (TTA) for each student in your department.
There will be a row for each objective that a student has, and each row will have the TTD data for that objective
The rows are quarter specific, so if you don’t select a quarter, then you will get rows pertaining to each quarter in the database. It is likely best to choose the quarter you want to look at
time-to-advance and time-to-degree for doctoral students show on separate rows
So, if a students has both a masters objective and a doctoral objective, they could have 3 rows, one for the MA TTD, one for the TTA, and one for the Doctoral TTD
The report automatically defaults to showing open objectives only. You can change that via the filter’s screen on the far right.
You will only be able to select quarters starting with spring 2021 (20212) for technical reasons due to the new TTD technology
This report is easier to read when a quarter is selected, so I suggest selecting the quarter in which you want the TTD information for.
To choose between the departments you have access to
To choose the objectives you wish to see (such as if you want to filter to just see the TTD for your PhD objectives)
To choose which standards you want to see. (ie, you could choose TTA to just see your students time-to-advance data)
TTD MA (master’s time to degree)
TTD PHD (doctoral time-to-degree)
TTA (time-to-advance for doctoral students)
To filter for just students over TTD or under TTD
To filter for a specific action
Plan Rec
To filter for students who have or have not submitted an Academic Progress Plan
Reg Status
To filter for students with a certain registration status (such as to just return students who are registered, or on leave of absence, etc)
To filter for monitoring/warning reason (warning was formerly known as probation)
Batch Quarter
The quarter that the TTD information is attached to
Student perm
Name (Preferred name displays if available)
Department for the major
major for the program selected
Standard Type
See Type above
Class Level
Class level for the quarter selected
Start Quarter
Start quarter for the program in that row
Registration Status
Reg status for the quarter selected
Elapsed Quarters
Elapsed quarters that count toward time-to-degree
Leave Quarters
amount of leave quarters a student has that don’t count as elapsed quarters toward TTD
TTD Goal
The student’s TTD/TTA goal in quarters
Includes any TTD exceptions
Remaining Quarters
how many quarters a student has remaining within TTD for that standard
positive number means how many quarters they have left
0 means the quarter selected is their last quarter within TTD
negative number means how many quarter over TTD they are
Indicates whether they are over or under TTD for that standard
Reason Notes
Shows any descriptive notes about the reason
Letter Sent Date
Date that the status letter was sent
Progress Plan Date
Date that the progress plan for that status was received by the Graduate Division
Previous Action
Action (if any) from the previous quarter