Time to Degree Analytics Dashboard

Time to Degree Analytics Dashboard

Access the Time to Degree (TTD) and Time to Advancement (TTA) reporting via GradPoint and click the “Reports” tab and select the TTD/TTA Analytics from the drop down and click view. For users that have access via PowerBI, the Dashboard can be accessed by going directly to PowerBI and finding the App Graduate Division TTD/TTA Analytics.

Dashboard Layout

Graduate Division Time to Degree Dashboard Manual

Time to Degree (TTD) and Time to Advancement (TTA) standards are determined by each department and approved by the Graduate Council. Each program’s TTD and TTA can be found on the Graduate Division’s websitehttps://www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/time/doc-time-degree-fall-2010-and-later, and an individual student’s TTA/TTD is available in GradPoint. TTD and TTA averages are calculated on a student, program, and objective basis, taking into account specific cases such as extensions, exceptions granted (i.e. Covid-19 exceptions), leave, and deferment.

  • The TTD and TTA dashboard provides analytics on standard and average TTD and TTA with detailed breakdowns by division, department, objective, year, program status, department track, and demographic data including ethnicity, gender, citizenship, and underrepresented minority status (URM).

  • Depending on your page layout, whether on the left side of the dashboard or at the bottom of the dashboard you will find pages with various TTD/TTA analytics options.

  • Under the “Total Students” count, you can find the TTD and TTA button which allows you to toggle between views.

    • Here, you will also find further breakdowns depending on the page you are looking at. For example, on the “Percentage of Students” page you can find breakdowns by division, department, and ethnicity.

  • On top of your dashboard are filters including Year; College, Division, Department; Objective Degree (Doctoral is pre-filled); Program Status (Awarded degree is pre-filled); Gender; Citizenship; and URM (underrepresented minority) status which is defined as a student who identifies as Latino/Hispanic, Native American or American Indian, Black or African-American.

  • Track Value is a more nuanced understanding of the objective the student is pursuing and includes options such as PhD, MA/PhD, default, as well as several choices only available for the Music department including Composition, ETHNOMUS (Ethnomusicology), MUSCLGY (Musicology), or Theory. Each of these have different timeframes to advance and complete their objectives.

  • Program status filter allows for choosing degrees that have been awarded, closed, deferred, or open. The Program Status filter is pre-set to “Awarded”, so viewers see data on completed degrees.

  • If you choose a filter at the top, other pages of the dashboard will maintain your choice. You can reset your filters by clicking on the round arrow on top of the dashboard.


  • The first page of the TTD dashboard provides visualizations of TTD/TTA over and under illustrating the percentage of students who are/were on time to advance or complete their degree, and the percentage of students who went over time. These numbers are broken out by division, gender, URM status, and citizenship. Since the dashboards are interactive, if you choose for example your division, the other visuals on the page will also adjust to showcase data for the chosen division.

  • The Demographics page provides an average elapsed time of TTD and TTA as well as a count of students which may be broken out by gender, citizenship, and IPEDS ethnicity. If is also possible to further filter using the filters on top.

  • The Average Elapsed Time page provides visuals on average elapsed TTD or TTA values by department and track. In each degree, different tracks may have different standard and average TTD/TTA. For example, the average elapsed time for the Communications PhD degree versus MA/PhD degree differ by about 1.5 years.

  • Under Average Elapsed Time page there is also the Department by Track and Start Year visual which illustrates a longitudinal view of average elapsed TTD and TTA by department, track, and the year the student started their objective. External situations may impact average TTD and TTA and including a start year in the visual allows for further analysis and understanding of these factors across departments and tracks.

  • The final visual under the Average Elapsed Time page is Department by Track and TTD/TTA Over/Under. This visual illustrates the average TTD/TTA for those students who are on-time or under-time for their degrees, and for those who are over-time in finishing their degrees. Over and under time is determined by the standard degree time for each objective, degree, track value and can also vary by the program’s start date.

  • The Standard Time vs. Average Elapsed Time page provides details of average elapsed TTD and TTA versus the standard TTD and TTA by department and track.

  • Detail data is the tabular view of TTD Standards and TTD Students. The TTD Standards view allows viewers to understand in which quarter standards for degrees, tracks, and objectives were determined. Program standards may change over time in order to account for situations such as longer student graduation periods or changes in the program.

  • TTD Students is a tabular view by each student per department, year, and track and includes information on Average TTD/TTA, standard TTD/TTA, whether the student is over or under TTD/TTA, and the number of quarters completed.

  • Historical reporting is a tabular view of TTD by student and Standard Time vs. Average Elapsed Time with historical reporting of data.






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