Landing Page Issues List

Landing Page Issues List

Use this page to document user experience and responses for using the Landing page. Each issue should have a unique number. When the issue has been resolved, check it off. Put has much description as needed. It is best to have a description with Resolution - describing how it was fixed. Steps to reproduce is helpful too.


1. Users directed to app.powerbi login page @Nathan Yee


  • Confirmed ‘User Error’ - Upon landing correctly onto the site, both users immediately navigated to ‘Login’

    • Recommendations:

      • Reorder buttons to put ‘Getting Started’ far left with Login next to ‘Help'


2. User receiving ‘Account Already Created’ error @Nathan Yee

Steps to Reproduce

  1. user clicked login button

  2. entered sradhakrishna@my.ucsb.edu and password

  3. Got duo prompt > followed prompts to connect to duo

  4. Received a duo push or access code > accepted

  5. then got this below

  • User initially attempted to create a PBI account without navigating through ‘Getting Started’

    • Result: Error message received when logging into app.powerbi - correct username and pw used and error still persists



The user does not have a power BI free license.

  1. Got duo prompt > followed prompts to connect to duo - this should not happen, @Farah Tahmasbi said that self service duo has been disabled. @Ann Crawford (Unlicensed) will follow up - Farah will get back to us.


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