Power BI - Usage metrics Report review

Power BI - Usage metrics Report review

A review of the metrics report on 11/15/21


  1. We should filter out the activity at the report level (all pages) with the name GenerateDataflowSasToken. It dominates the total activity counts and is not useful information, and is probably the cause for other issues listed below.

  2. We may want to consider filtering out Saturday/Sunday in some of the visuals, with a note stating we are doing so. A suggest we discuss that at a Power BI Developer meeting.

Site Summary Page:

  1. “Total Developers” Shows empty

  2. “Workspace Name” Slicer only shows workspaces with the word “Covid” in them. It appears the word “covid” is in the search box by default. We should clear this text out of the search.

  3. “Workspaces - End user Activity” chart has a blank row at the top with the highest activity count. Can we see what this is/

Workspace Usage

  1. Sort the “Activity Log' table by last_activity_date; descending

  2. “Workspace Name” Slicer only shows workspaces with the word “power” in them. Same as above. This tiem the word in the search box is “power'


Department Usage

  1. ‘Home Department’ slicer has the text “sais” in the search bar, so other departments don’t appear in the drop down

  2. Can we se what the dataset with an empty name is that has half a million events? These could be related to the GenerateDataflowSasToken activity.


Individual User

  1. Sort “Last Event Date” DESC in the bottom right table

  2. in the “Access Point” pie chart, do we know what rows are filtering out into the “Other” Seems odd to have 50% of the data end up in “Other”. If it’s off campus, perhaps we can change the label to reflect this.

  3. On the “Device Type” pie chart, it seems odd that 75% of usage is not coming from a PC Or Mac. I’m wondering if this may also be related to the GenerateDataflowSasToken activity skewing totals. If we remove that activity from all pages, I wonder if this will clear up this issue.