20200423 Data Services Landing Page

20200423 Data Services Landing Page

Data Services Landing Page


Time4:00-5:00 pm


Meeting Goals and Expected Preparation


  • Establish tasks and roles for delivery of a data services site by TBD

Expected Preparation


TimeTopicOwnerNotes and Details

Review  site  so that the site will be more user purpose focused and less tool centric.



Quick training to the team on how to update the site 

  • version control
Eric Mayes

Access via the web service - status

Eric MayesEric Mayes is working with Farah Tahmasbi and Dave Carroll (Unlicensed) to get the web service call from the request access button.
5Branding the login page - statusEric JohnstoneThis will take about 30-60 minutes to complete, need to get Farah Tahmasbi, who has the access, and Eric Johnstone , who has the instructions, to work together to complete.  Maybe in a zoom working meeting.  

Action Items

Katie Mankins -  Update the tool names and bullet points (Users, how to access, use cases, examples) for Cognos, EZ Access, Hyperion , Tableau

Diana Antova - Update tool name and bullet points (Users, how to access, use cases, examples) for Power BI

Eric Mayes - Update access button to call the webservice

Eric Mayes - Update pages as needed

Ann Crawford (Unlicensed) - Update FQA, and home page introduction

Ann Crawford (Unlicensed) - Set up zoom working meeting with Farah Tahmasbi and Eric Johnstone to complete login branding (If needed.)