20200708 Data Services Landing Page

20200708 Data Services Landing Page

Data Services Landing Page




Meeting Goals and Expected Preparation


  • Establish tasks and roles for delivery of a data services site by TBD

Expected Preparation

Dataservices site: https://dev-dataservices-ucsb-edu-v01.pantheonsite.io/ 


Based on soft roll out - added action items.

Users are clicking login - this confusing

When ETS host PBI, user will click login and get self service duo and the free will be for everyone - So one click login , Getting started will be tips and tricks but not required

Is it possible to give all netids a free pbi account? This will eliminate one step. Diana Antova


TimeTopicOwnerNotes and Details

UpdatesDiana Antova
  • Targeting a release date of  

Prod release tasks
  • Aggregate css and js files (Eric Mayes)
  • Rename and then delete unused pages (Eric Mayes)
  • Clear form data (Eric Mayes)
  • Refresh site map (Eric Mayes)
  • Replace the "to" email address with the identity help address on new account and new pro account pages. (Eric Mayes)
  • make buttons the same size (Eric Mayes)
  • Ann Crawford (Unlicensed) follow up with Farah Tahmasbi to disable the self service DUO on PBI prompt
  • Diana Antova revisit the requirement that users must explicitly ask for a free pbi account.
  • Should we change the process for logging to PBI to a hand hold process? Because the corrective overhead is high and it is a bad first impression.
  • Update login button to check if user is in AD pbi_user(maybe we can skip this check) and have a duo account. If yes route to app.powerbi else route the set up page instructions. 

Access via the web service - status

Eric Mayes

Eric Mayes is working with Farah Tahmasbi to get the web service call from the request access button.

  • Update access button to call the webservice after Farah is done with development - this will be in test  

Action Items

Welcome to UCSB Data Services. Get the answers you need or develop data applications to help others. Data Services supports tools that enable prompt delivery of comprehensive, integrated, and secure data. Data Services offers training to create an informed population of data consumers and producers. Data is a collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, observations or just descriptions of things. Data is not magic. Problems are rarely solved with a single answer. Working together we can arrive at the best answer.

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