Data Approval Process (Data Owner)
Data Approval Process (Data Owner)
This page outlines the steps of the data authorization process for the Power BI Service.
- A data owner will receive a request either directly from a user or from Student Affairs IT.
- The data owner will review the request and the reasons outlined in the request.
- The data owner may require additional information or training to be completed prior to a determination.
- If Approved
- The data owner will add a comment on the corresponding App Approval page in Confluence with a statement such as "I approve Joe Gaucho" to use this App. /wiki/spaces/PB/pages/805406307
- The data owner will add a line in the Approval Log on the same page:
- The data owner will inform IT of any data approval.
- IT will request users' account information be added into the appropriate security group enabling the access by doing the following:
- Create a CSV in the following format: Groupname, Username
- Example:
- Example:
- Email the CSV to sist.identityhelp@sa.ucsb.edu
- Create a CSV in the following format: Groupname, Username
- The Identity Help team will run a script which will assign the user to the my.ucsb.edu groups and email you back when it is complete.
- The AD synchronization between the on-prem directory and Azure Active Directory will usually sync and apply the licensing within a few minutes of being notified.
- The User should now be able to log in to power bi and setup multi factor authentication with Duo.
- IT will inform the data owner and the end user that access has been granted and provide information that will help the user get started with the service.
- The data owner will add a comment on the corresponding App Approval page in Confluence with a statement such as "I approve Joe Gaucho" to use this App. /wiki/spaces/PB/pages/805406307
- If Denied,
- No Action is taken by IT to enable the access.
- The data owner will inform the requester of the decision.
, multiple selections available,
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