Power BI/ArcGIS Emergency Management Reporting

Power BI/ArcGIS Emergency Management Reporting


ArcGis will become a standard feature in Power BI. This project will explore the uses and implementation of PBI ArcGIS through implementing an emergency management report that integrates UCSB location data with government emergency management.

This page will monitor the meetings,action items and resources associated with the report development.

Initial requirements

Define first use case, Emergency Management, for ArcGIS Power BI.

  • @Tedi Tehrani , @Isiah Fimbrez

  • Processes

Open action items


Meeting minutes




Notes, decisions and action items




Notes, decisions and action items

Aug 5, 2020

@Tedi Tehrani


demo report - @isiah

discuss use cases @Tedi Tehrani

Identify by city or county or state who is in a flood area or fire area - get polygons for evacuations?

Employee attributes from employee demographic and position table

  • all emails

  • student/non student

  • reports to position

  • name

  • all addresses with type of address

  • all email address

  • spouse

  • emerg contact ?

  • department

  • position nbr

  • net_id

  • employee nbr

Org chart logic will be applied to the emergency management

ask ETS for emergency contact- check the ticket status
create org chart report isiah
create employee data flow based staffing employee - Ann















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