Getting Started UCSB Power BI

Getting Started UCSB Power BI

Note: this page has been moved to the dataservices site: https://dataservices.ucsb.edu/power-bi-getting-started

Power BI is a UCSB campus wide cloud reporting platform. All users must request a login with a valid netid. All users must configure DUO for multi-factor authentication. Some users will need additional privileges to publish content or to view restricted data.

  1. Set up Login Access

    1. Go to the Power BI Access Request Page.

    2. Click the Request Power BI Site Access Button

    3. Wait for an email confirming that your access is configured.

  2. Set up Multi Factor Authentication (see How To - Set up Duo MFA for Power BI)

  3. Login in to Power BI using your netid@my.ucsb.edu.

    1. Please notice the account format with “MY” in the user id above.

    2. Please notice that some users might have multiple accounts for Power BI. If you don’t see the content that you expect to see, please check to make sure you are not logged in with a different account. If this is the case, log off from your other account and log in with netid@my.ucsb.edu.

  4. Open an application in Power BI

    1. Once you are given site access to Power BI, you might want to look at content that has been shared with you.

    2. Click on Apps on the menu on the right side of the screen.

    3. If you don’t see the App that you are looking for, click the tile Get more apps from Microsoft AppSource.

    4. Click My Organization menu item on the top of the screen.

    5. Find your app and open it to see content.