20200413 Data Services Landing Page

Data Services Landing Page


Time2:30- 3:30 pm


Meeting Goals and Expected Preparation


  • Establish tasks and roles for delivery of a data services site by 4/6/2020.

Expected Preparation


TimeTopicOwnerNotes and Details
10The site is delayed pending a review by Diana and team to make it less tool centric and more focused on what users need. 

Because we have more time we will try to get the webservice in place to replace and email with an auotmated call to a webservice for the pbi_users@bi.my.ucsb.edu

Reviewed question and sent this email to Farah ccd Alex

We are making progress and since the site is delayed again, we would like to use the webservice for adding a user to the  Pbi_Users@BI.my.ucsb.edu account to automate the access.  Below are the updates to your question . 

Will you please send the URL for question Number 2 so we can test the call.

Thank you

1. So this is a cloud hosted site?

If it is, we will need to work with Tom to open up the firewall once we have our service in Test.
@Farah Tahmasbi   are you going to follow up with Tom on this?

2. Do you have control over the code that is used on the backend - can you make a service call through a client library or will you be going through a URL to make a service call?  
We  will go through a URL to make a service call. 

3. We'll also need the IP address where the service call will be coming from.
@Eric Mayes  will work with @Alex Sokolov to get the ip address.
10Customizing login PBIEric Johnstone

Sent this email to Farah

We want the text to look like the screen shot below but it needs to read @my.ucsb.edu.
I put the looooong url to be updated below the screen shot.  @Eric Johnstone knows the details if you have questions.
Thank you

20Review Homepage DesignEric MayesReview top menus, sub menus and Power BI home page
  Delivery schedule ?All

Delivery was pushed back from  4/13/2020 

Action Items

Eric Johnstone - work with Farah on PBI login

Diana Antova and Eric Mayes - work together on design and format of list of apps for power bi

Eric Mayes - Update pages as needed

Ann Crawford (Unlicensed) - Work with Adam Sottosanti (Deactivated) on when to use apps and when to share workspaces 

Eric Johnstone - Customize the Power BI login so that it has UCSB Branding instead of Microsoft - sent info to Farah, will work with Farah as needed

Diana Antova - Lead effort to make site more user focused.

All - review the site https://dev-dataservices-ucsb-edu-v01.pantheonsite.io/