Drop/Switch Classes

Drop/Switch Classes

User permissions to change courses is enforced at the curriculum level of STAR, so users can only change courses for students in the department(s) they have access to.

Can only drop courses where the student would have been able to drop themselves (i.e. can't drop the last course on the student's record, etc.).

The drop/switch screen is used by academic departments to either drop a student from a course, or switch (technically a drop and an immediate add) a student from one secondary to another within the same primary course.

You can…

  • Drop a student from GEOG 3B 0100 and GEOG 3B 0102

  • Switch a student from GEOG 3B 0102 to GEOG 3B 0105

You cannot…

  • Switch a student from GEOG 3B 0100 to GEOG 3B 0105

  • Switch a student from GEOG 3B 0100 to GEOG 125 0100

  • Switch a student from GEOG 3B 0102 to GEOG 5 0103

You will be able to make drops and switches using this screen until the add/drop deadline for each quarter. If changes need to be made after that date, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

Accessing the Drop/Switch Screen

  • In STAR, select “X – Data Entry Menu” for the quarter you are working in and press enter.

  • Select the “drop/switch classes” number and press enter.


  • This is the drop/switch screen


  • All reason codes can be found on the T-screen (Table Menu - Reasons).

  • Common reasons for dropping/switching students:

    • 07 - class cancelled

    • 46 - course prerequisite not met

    • 49 - sections switched by department

    • 50 - replaces cancelled course by department

    • 51 - instructor number changed per dept (for delayed sectioning courses only)

    • 52 - dropped by dept for non-attendance

    • 53 - restricted by department


Dropping Students

Enter the enrollment code of the course to be dropped, the coded reason and the students perm number.

Press enter – this will show the drop reason, the course name, and the student name (see below). At this point the drop has not been made. You must press enter again to drop the student.

Switching Students

Enter the enrollment code of the course to be dropped, the enrollment code for the course to be switched into, the coded reason, and the students perm number.

Press enter – this will show the drop reason, the course name, and the student name (see below). At this point the drop has not been made. You must press enter again to switch the student.