C - Courses

C - Courses


This screen is used to search the course catalog for a particular quarter. It can also search the Master Course Approvals (MCA) and it gives users access to the Online Schedule Proofing application.

Data Elements

The user can search for courses using the enroll code or the subject/number/section combo. 

Room usage applications are not used anymore and have migrated to Astra Schedule. 

Master Course Approval search returns the standard MCA records as would be seen in CRES.

Additional Screens/F-Keys

F-Keys from Top Menu


If the user selects Course(F3), then they are directed to the display version of the course. If the user selects Update(F1), then the user is directed to the update mode of the course.

If an enroll code is not used or section is not specified for the search, then the user will be shown a list of available sections that match the search keywords.


Advanced search, provides similar functionality as the advanced search in GOLD. In fact, this screen was the backbone of the advanced search that "Old GOLD" used. 

Last Offered(F7)

Will direct the user to the display screen of the last quarter the section was offered. 

F-Keys Within a Course Record

Schedule(Enter) Search Results

Update Course(F1)

Example of a normal course during COVID-19:

This screen is primarily used by the Curriculum and Scheduling unit and the academic departments to manage course attributes like max enrollment, instructor assignment, location, etc. It's used to edit the course information after Astra schedule has been run for the quarter (before Astra schedule, the departments would use the Online Schedule proof system). 

  • Organization - How the course meets
    • G - General assembly (primary sections that meet as a group for instruction, such as lectures or
    • P - Partial assembly (secondary sections that are subsets of the primary, such as discussion or labs)
    • N - Individualized study (self paced and independent studies courses)
    • S - Special programs (internship and fieldwork courses)
  • Except Instr - Exceptional Instruction - More detail regarding the information supplied in the Organization field
    • I (Internship)
    • O (Online)
    • F (Field Work)
    • N (Independent Study)
    • S (Self-Paced)
  • DSIR-ID: Employee ID for the faculty person.
  • FUN: Instructor Function


Course information returned after a simple search on the top Course menu. 


Pre-Requisite Approval Override - used to allow students to add the course who would normally not be allowed due to not meeting the prerequisite(s). Even though the screen is labeled as prerequisites, it also allows overrides for major limits and level limits.

Adding a student to this list will suppress the PRP reg process from being added to the L screen/Reg_Processing table, and will override the prerequisite check in GOLD. This function does not require the student to first be enrolled in the course.


Used to add just one approval code, on demand. Once a code has been created, it will increment up the Approval Codes total by one, on the main section screen.


Shows the settings of the waitlist. These are only editable in eGrades, so this is just a display. Also shows the students who are listed on the waitlist, however this list is a total of all sections (students waitlisted on the primary), so it doesn't show the specific waitlist for the secondary/discussion section.


Used to list/show all of the used or available approval codes for the section. If the code has been used, the student who used it will be listed on the corresponding left side of the screen.


Shows approved prerequisites for the course. 

Special Processing/Bugs

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