E - Student Exams

E - Student Exams


Displays any scores for exams that have been submitted to or taken at UCSB. These include SAT/ACT/GRE, proficiency exams, AP scores, etc. For exams that have been taken at UCSB, the scores can be data entered on this screen, for subsequent export from SREG into DARS/uAchieve via /wiki/spaces/REG/pages/738853437.

Data Elements

No. -  Sequence number

Type - Test type

Area - Code that is specific to the exam. The codes can be found in the Table view in STAR and the Major table in SREG

Translation - Title of the test referenced in the Test Type/Area table 

Score - The score the student earned for the test

SAT/ACT - Read/Write/Math scores associated with the SAT/ACT tests taken by the student

Date - MM/YY, month and year the student took the test

DARS - Has been interfaced to DARS (using the normal score import/export process).

Best Writing STAR - It's the best score

ACTP - Best ACT writing score

Additional Screens/F-Keys

Add Exams(F4)/Exam Maintenance

If a department wants to add a score to a student's record, they use this screen. This screen is also used to update any relevant information for a score, however if the information here is revised, it does not remove the original test record from DARS/uAchieve, rather it just creates a subsequent record.

Users cannot add a score to a student's record for a department that they have not been granted access to. Departments are mapped to exams in the Major Table - Test Type/Area. User access to academic departments are managed in USEC - STAR (Limits screen).

Special Processing/Bugs

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