20200312- Power BI Developers

Meeting Details



Meeting Goals and Expected Preparation


  • Push the use cases and processes for Power BI
  • General discussion on next steps and publishing content

Helpful Preparation

Post comments or questions on this page that you want to discuss in the meeting


5 mReview use cases and questions in the comments to determine topics for the meeting. 


15 m

Drill Down Features 

Joshua Munsch (Unlicensed) will demo the drill down and other features that make Graduate Division reports the most used content on Power BI.

Joshua Munsch (Unlicensed)
15 m

Dynamic Headers for Visuals 

Tedi Tehrani implemented financial reporting with visual headers that change with selection.  Do's and Don'ts

Tedi Tehrani
10 m

Building a Dashboard

I added a new users metrics report that includes all the discussed dimensions: pro, non prousers; dev, test, prod, life cycle; access point based on ip; functional use categories.  I added key trending visuals.  We can build a dashboard combining both reports. 

Ann Crawford (Unlicensed) - All
10 m

Questions / Next Steps



Cross report Drill through functionality demo by Joshua Munsch (Unlicensed) https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-desktop-march-2020-feature-summary/

Dynamic Title demo by Tedi Tehrani - She also will review using measures.

Hierarchy Slicer - Mark Norstedt and Joshua Munsch (Unlicensed) - reviewed hierarchy slicers - see Josh's post  https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Desktop/Drillthrough-after-published-not-working/td-p/955049

Review of financial star schema - Bruce Miller , may move cp and department into one table

 Action Items