20200116 - Power BI Developers

Meeting Details



Meeting Goals and Expected Preparation


  • Push the use cases and processes for Power BI
  • General discussion on next steps and publishing content

Helpful Preparation

Post comments or questions on this page that you want to discuss in the meeting


Sheetal Gupta

5 mReview use cases and questions in the comments to determine topics for the meeting. 


20 mBest Practices  Configuring data sets with connection parameters server and data flow examples.  This allows users to update the data source quickly for deployment to dev, test or production Mark Norstedt
20 mLessons Learned OFAS  Review of OFAS efforts - As early adapters, OFAS users have transitioned from novice to pro users, authoring content, developing and using data flows.  They have moved through test and prod life cycle and now champion use with their other team members. Nathan Yee
10 m

Questions / Next Steps



 Action Items

Mara Morrison (Unlicensed)  post how to make clear all filters button