20200813 - Power BI Developers Azure AD

Meeting Details



Meeting Goals and Expected Preparation


  • Push the use cases and processes for Power BI
  • Getting users to use UCSB campus data with Power BI 

Helpful Preparation

  1. Post any questions or issues 


5 mReview use cases and questions in the comments to


Reports Tips and Tricks
  •  Reports used for PDF exports for a PowerPoint slide deck.  Quick small scale analytics
  •  Designing reports
Mara Morrison
20 m

Azure AD - How to access in PBI

Last week we looked at using the Active directory connection.  This week explores Azure AD since we will need that for campus tenant. 

Eric Johnstone
10 m

Questions / Next Steps



Lisa Hall introduced herself and discussed needs like understanding the validity of the data, sharing data across campus.

Mara Morrison was out so we will review her content on  

Ann Crawford (Unlicensed) showed the reports in ws_PowerBI_Metrics  and encouraged the group to add content

Eric Johnstone showed his work with querying the Azure AD using Microsoft Graph API in the Microsoft Graph API Explorer .  He was not able to make this call in Power BI Desktop but did get it to work with Postman. Further research is needed on the Power BI desktop api call for getting the security syntax.

 Action Items