20190826 - Power BI Users - Academic Advisers

Meeting Details


  • Locationzoom and sist conference room 
  • 9:00-10:00


Diana Antova


Adam Sottosanti (Deactivated)(tick)zoom
Michael Nesbit (Unlicensed)(tick) 
Ann Crawford (Unlicensed)(tick)
Anthony Schmid(tick)

Frances Fouch

Leesa Beck (Unlicensed)(tick)
Haley Orton


JD Hill(tick)zoom
Josie Patterson(tick)zoom
Nick Alward(tick)
Suszanne Dougherty(tick)
Jill Title(tick)zoom
Earnest Cooper



Meeting Goals and Expected Preparation


  • Review user experience in power Bi, This meeting focused on the Academic Advisers APP 

Expected Preparation

Users need to login and try the recently deployed functionality.

Discussion Notes

 Questions  and comments  on the APP Academic Advisers  



  1. Pie chart is not always needed, takes up too much real estate, create page with and without pie chart PB-85 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  2. Instructors not always needed create a page with and without instructors PB-86 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  3. Add incomplete, pass and no pass grades PB-87 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Open Classes

  1. add number o people on the wait list
  2. add number of units for classes available 
  3. add option to see classes with restrictions, this is particularly useful for transfer  advising
  4. Add number of students that have less than 12 units
  5. Add field that says if students are new, returning or continuing status 

SIR new report

  1. add number of students SIR by major 

Users will think about dashboard content. 


Dual integration will be required for all users Diana Antova will get the details

We will have a dataservices.ucsb.edu landing page to access training, FAQ, PBI , access request process,etc 

Action Items

Michael Nesbit (Unlicensed) Open Classes items in discussion Notes 1-5

Ann Crawford (Unlicensed) Grades items 1-3 in discussion notes

Diana Antova Update this page with Dual Factor Integration instructions, either a link or detailed instructions.

Ann Crawford (Unlicensed) Follow up with Jeff Pignataro (Deactivated) on landing page status 

Michael Nesbit (Unlicensed) Rename APP from Academic Advisers to Academic Advising

Michael Nesbit (Unlicensed) Follow up on how to add Joe Obrien to APP and adding department chairs.