20191205 - Power BI Developers

Meeting Details



Meeting Goals and Expected Preparation


  • Push the use cases and processes for Power BI
  • General discussion on next steps and publishing content

Helpful Preparation


5 mReview use cases and questions in the comments to determine topics for the meeting. 


15 m

Sharing Data

  • Current data flows dates, curriculum, student courses, financial aid data ready and standardized, review what we have, lessons learn and how to use.
  • ws_public - this workspace contains data available to everyone.  Users can access the data without having access to the database.
  • using m query
Michael Nesbit (Unlicensed) Ann Crawford (Unlicensed)
10 mHow to get more data flows from Housing, ETS, Library, Facilities etc group
15 minPower BI Security 

group or Eric Johnstone

10 m

Questions / Next Steps



 Action Items

Darshan Etz talk with Katie Menkins and Bruce Miller about naming standards for share our data flows with them. Maybe include Ben Price

Eric Johnstone review Microsoft Information Protection (Azure Information Protection)

Eric Johnstone talk with Mike Smith to start a data flow POC for housing.

Darshan Etz - get Sheetal Gupta (Unlicensed) to demo ETS power BI efforts for 12/12 meeting.

Action Items from 11/14

  1. Update Deployment Process Mark Norstedt