20200416 - Power BI Developers

Meeting Details



Meeting Goals and Expected Preparation


  • Push the use cases and processes for Power BI
  • General discussion on next steps and publishing content

Helpful Preparation

Post comments or questions on this page that you want to discuss in the meeting

Sharing Content Agenda Item- It would be good to review these links

This site explains apps and comes with this warning
Try not to overwhelm users. Be careful not to push too many apps so your users perceive the pre-installed apps are useful to them. It's best to control who can push apps to end users to coordinate timing. Establish a point of contact for getting apps in your organization pushed to end users.  
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-9e8AtbSsM     - guy in the cube video. 


5 mReview use cases and questions in the comments to determine topics for the meeting. - COVID-19 Stories, talk



PBI Security

Its a big topic we will discuss periodically.  Gajender Singh presents another perspective 

Gajender Singh


Sharing Content in PBI  UCSB employs Premium capacity Power BI.  This allows content to be shared in a work space vs an App. Discuss when to use an App and when to use a work space 

Food for thought

Apps - require a additional step, update the App from the work space.  Because of this you do not know if the report in APP is the most current report. 

Apps - have additional properties:  navigation, description, web page reference

Work spaces - primary data structure for sharing, i.e. reports and data sets are published to the work space.

5 m

Questions / Next Steps



 Action Items