20191114 - Power BI Developers

Meeting Details



Meeting Goals and Expected Preparation


  • Push the use cases and processes for Power BI
  • This meeting will show paginated reports and data flows

Expected Preparation

  • Review data flows 
  • Create git hug userid and add a comment to this page.


5 mReview use cases and questions in the comments to determine topics for the meeting. 


15 mHow to create data flows to read only ISIS instance Adam Sottosanti (Deactivated)
10 minPaginated Reports - How to deploy is documented in the How To  pages in Power Bi site Are there still any questions ?


5 minPower BI Github repo, create github account connect to ucsb group ssoAnn Crawford (Unlicensed)
20 m

Questions / Next Steps



 Action Items

  1. Update Deployment Process Mark Norstedt 
  2. Make a new repo, branch and add pbix and test merging, use same team access as powerbi repo.  Mark NorstedtJoshua Munsch (Unlicensed)
  3. Send team info to Mark Norstedt and Joshua Munsch (Unlicensed)     Ann Crawford (Unlicensed)
  4. Create and test a data flow Ann Crawford (Unlicensed)Adam Sottosanti (Deactivated)Mark NorstedtJoshua Munsch (Unlicensed)

Action Items from 11/7

  1. Test the power shell powershell script Get-PBIXConfigs.ps1 from https://sist-sa-ucsb@dev.azure.com/sist-sa-ucsb/Ucsb.Sa.PowerShell/            Joshua Munsch (Unlicensed)Eric Johnstone (tick)
  2. Set up UCSB powerbi repo in github Ann Crawford (Unlicensed) (tick)
  3. Give pro account to Darshan Ann Crawford (Unlicensed) (tick)
  4. Document the Paginated report process to Power BI Sheetal Gupta (Unlicensed)Adam Sottoanti (tick)