2019-11-15 Meeting Notes

2019-11-15 Meeting Notes





  • Updates on continuing development
  • Review, organize and add to work items

Focus points for this meeting

General update

Discussion items

  • Greetings and salutations


Developer Portal Migration to Drupal 8Ian Lessing (Unlicensed)

Motes: Drupal 8 Migration Notes


 Waiting to settle the setup with Pantheon. 

 Emailed Shea for an update. On holding pattern until we hear from Shea. Denise is out most of October.

 Shea scheduled a meeting with the Pantheon reps for  . Ian will attend if he can. Notes: Pantheon Hosting Support Meeting 2019-10-10


Ian met with Pantheon's Matt Paladino yesterday and discussed options for our Drupal 8 developer portal and hosting with Pantheon.

Matt and Ian discussed various options to setup the site and maintain it over time.
Objective was to have Drupal 8 core, Drupal community modules (which includes the Apigee modules) and UCSB Public Affairs theme and modules all as upstreams to our Drupal 8 developer portal. The good news is I think we can do this.

The bad news is we can not have ALL these flow into our developer portal at the click up a few buttons in our Pantheon dashboard.

So... of those three:

  • 1.) Drupal core
  • 2.) Drupal community modules
  • 3.) UCSB Public Affairs theme/distro

Q: Which is the most important to have updates deployed via the pantheon dashboard?
A: Drupal core updates.
Because we want to be able to deploy security updates as quickly and easily as possible.
And we can do this. Pantheon's basic Drupal 8 site template comes with updates from Pantheon deployable via the dashboard.

For community modules....
We'll need to use composer (PHP dependecy manager) and Git to make updates on community modules including the Apigee modules.

For UCSB Public affairs theme & distro
We'll need to define the UCSB Public Affairs code a second "remote" in our Git repo. This will allow us to fold any changes made by UCSB Public Affairs into our codebase with minimal effort.

Note: If we had money to throw at the problem we could purchase a higher tier of service from Pantheon called "Mangaged updates". With this service Pantheon would also manage and deploy updates to Drupal community modules for us.

 Diana and Ian met with Cara Kalnow and Matt Paladino from Pantheon to understand what we get for the 6K. They admitted that we just get the hosting which we already pay for through the UCSB contract. If we want Pantheon to take care of the updates for us, we need to commit our website in their Github repo, and they will take care of all updates. They will ask us to test it and a verbal confirmation to proceed. This is a "white glove" service and is 9K/year. Diana and Ian didn't think that we get much from this service as the Apigee modules don't change that often, and we will still have to build the site ourselves. Denise and Ian will start to work on the site.

 Ian emailed Denise and asked her to schedule a meeting the week of the 18th to continue to work on the portal. 

Reports and alertsDiana Antova 
  • christian.montecino (Unlicensed) Google analytics api usage reports - there is an issue with recording API usage. it does not match the gateway data. (APIGEE-189)

  •  Christian - sending traffic to Splunk since last week. The counts match! Christian has requested accounts for us. UCSB has an Enterprise license of Splunk. 
  •  We all have access to Splunk now. https://splunkweb.ets.ucsb.edu/. Christian will ask ETS to give us access to the dataset. Christian will add a documentation page Splunk Integrator to the developer portal, Gateway Admin section.

Student Developed Applications

 Conversation with Registrar about student API use. 

 Diana Antova Emailed CSO to start the security conversation in regards to liability and oversight on student developed apps.

Account Cleanup - on hold

 Database that collects weekly statistics was moved to a SIST dev server. Will move it to AWS when we get an account, possibly using Lambda functions. For now, the code (powershell) will be put in Github Apigee team.

Private Department Courses Extract API RetirementSteven Maglio

 Gaucho Space will continue to use the DeptCourses API as they need an extract of all courses. We need to contact Patrick Windmiller to switch to the new APIs. We can ask ESCI and Library as well. 

Uptime monitor check on API system updatesDiana Antova
  • Currently when we deploy a change to the gateway, the uptime monitor reports APIs down if the time coincides with the monitor check.
  • Do we want to be able to pause the monitor?
  • Do we prefer to receive notifications that APIs are down and up?

Action items


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