2019-08-16 Meeting Notes

2019-08-16 Meeting Notes





  • Updates on continuing development
  • Review, organize and add to work items

Focus points for this meeting

General update

Discussion items

  • Greetings and salutations


Gary -  -  

Ian -  -  


Developer Portal Migration to Drupal 8Ian Lessing (Unlicensed)

Motes: Drupal 8 Migration Notes


 Drupal apigee upstream - Ian confirmed with the Pantheon person that we do have an Apigee upstream available. Ian, Denise and Shea will coordinate the creation of the site.


  • Ian will install Matt Paladino's (Pantheon) site to test it. We want to make sure we get the security updates from the standard Pantheon upstream. 
  • Diana Antova draft an email for Shea to ask if option 4 is a possibility. 

Reports and alertsDiana Antova 
  • christian.montecino (Unlicensed) Google analytics api usage reports - there is an issue with recording API usage. it does not match the gateway data. (APIGEE-189) Christian will start logging into a text file the API execution to compare with google analytics. 

  • Christian asked the Loggly cloud service provider rep to create a report for us to compare with the Google analytics report. 

  • The free account is expiring and Christian requested and extension. 

  • First we will compare Loggly usage to Google analytics. Then we will move the functionality to Splunk. 

  •  The apigee portal reports more requests than what we see in analytics. But, loggly events show a matching number to what apigee is showing. Christian will continue to look into why it isn't recording the information.
  •  no update

Student Developed Applications
  • GoGaucho Team: Hengyu Lui / Jimmy Lin
  • Professors: Chandra Krintz / Tobias Hollerrer
  • GoGaucho Improvements
      • Good news. The iOS application had the username/password form removed from the application and it no longer retrieves students data which has been screen scraped from GOLD.
      • Jimmy (the Android Developer) is going to add a security token to the Heroku endpoint and will be upgrading the Android application to use it before we next meet.
      • Henry (iOS) will update the iOS application to use the secured Heroku endpoint before the end of the summer.
  •  Today we met with the iOS developer. The user name and password are still there. Asked Henry to remove it. We also found functionality to view meal plans also with screen scraping. We will be asking Gary Scott if there is an API. We will meet with the android developer on Monday and ask him to remove the meal plan information. We gave them by 8/16 to remove the password screens. Henry thinks he can implement the schedules API by start of Fall quarter. 
  •  Meal Plan display in go gaucho - ARIT (Mike Blakemore) is checking with Blackboard what APIs they have available.
  • Diana Antova to follow up with Henry and Jimmy on making the changes  

Accounts for separated employees/student

DocumentationDiana Antova

Housing Services

 Graduate Division has put in a API Publishing Request. We've added Melanie Hoven as the Business Approver and she should be able sign-off the request pretty soon. The Graduate Division API is going to need to go through some development iterations before it will be posted.

 Steven met with Aurelian to review it, he is working on changes. Will meet again next Monday.

 Still working with Aurelian to make changes

General Data Usage AgreementKevin Wu
  • Sam Horowitz gave Kevin a heads up that in the IT Council that they are having conversation about developing an overall campus Expected Data Usage policy for how we use data between our departments. It's sort of like if we are the provider passing data to a consumer, then the consumer bears some responsibility for safe guarding the data and using it responsibly. If they share that data with another party, then they are responsible for the 3rd party's appropriate usage of the data.

Private Department Courses Extract API RetirementSteven Maglio

The Registrar's Office has completed enough APIs that it's possible to replace the functionality of the private Department Courses Extract API with 

The Registrar's Office is currently working on a Student Gender Pronoun project which will probably affect the private Department Courses Extract API and the Student Basic Student Info API. That project is set to wrap up in mid-September (before students return). Since there will be communication with API customers of the update to the APIs, it might be best to start the conversation about deprecating the private Department Courses Extract API after the completion of the Gender Pronoun project. This would give us 2 months to think about what's the best way to communicate a deprecation.

Documentation for business approversVince Nievares
  • Documentation for  the business access API approver
  • Documentation for  the business publishing API approver 
  • APIGEE-239

Action items
