Were okay with the name GoGaucho for now. But, Nancy Hamill will need to double check this.
In general, we don't need to worry about branding until an application has the notice of the campus
Legal documents to sign
Sam Horowitz and Jennifer Lowfthus will figure out what documents need to be signed and get back to us
Who is responsible if something happens - a data breach
It can't be on the students completely. Sam Horowitz and Jennifer Lowfthus will determine how this can pan out and come up with the documents.
Can we create a badge that the app is approved by UCSB?
API team has the authority to do the security code review, in addition to the technical support representative for the data being requested
Adding language to the app to let students know that this is not an official UCSB app?
Yes. At the time of login. And also it should be the first line in the description within the store(s).
What role the Student Code of Conduct play?
Steven Maglio to follow up on resolving the issues that we have identified, including removing the server use from China
Add documentation on the website about security reviews, guidance on how to use securely APIs (similar to Oregon State U.), include guidance on where to store the key if they are a student, or don't have a solution in place
We need to develop student app development guidelines