2019-03-01 Meeting Notes





  • Updates on continuing development
  • Review, organize and add to work items

Focus points for this meeting

Discussion items

  • Greetings and salutations

General Info

  • Drupal 7
    • Were going to move it from Apigee being the owner to UCSB being the owner
    • Steven Maglio Contact Shea about migrating the contract
  • Drupal 8
    • Create a new site and set it up for what we want, rather than doing an upgrade
    • Make a clone of the upstream for UCSB, and we will break off of it and it won't be a downstream site
    • We will manage the site through Composer (Pantheon has documentation on this)
      • We are doing this because we are going to be putting in customer modules (Apigee SDK)
      • We will need to setup the site to email us when updates need to be performed
    • @Denise Saludares will check if she can help in the recreation of the new layout and front page
      • Diana Antova will talk with Masha about Denise's time as well
    • @Denise would work with Public Affairs to get a new site setup and setup permissions for who has access
      • Steven Maglio
      • Gary Scott
      • Denise
      • Kevin Wu
      • Vince Nieveres
      • Ian Lessing
      • Diana Antova
      • Christian Montecino
    • API Team will need to integrate Apigee Edge Module and ensure it will work
      • Steven Maglio will need to find out if Apigee is ready. Beta 2 of the Apigee module came out  
    • Eventually, when these are ready we will talk about moving the content to the Drupal 8 instance

HerokuKevin Wu

 ReportsDiana Antova 
  • Account usage 
  • Gateway error 500 and 400 (maybe?)
  • unused accounts

Email GroupsSteven Maglio
  • Reinard Dolleschel - Will create api-ba@developer.ucsb.edu
  • Diana Antova - Ask ETS for "ownership" of developer.ucsb.edu APIGEE-131
    • Ask for CDA and Group Tagger for developer.ucsb.edu
      • If possible, we would like support@developer.ucsb.edu to have the permissions
      • If not, then Diana, Steven, Vince, and Reinard (Diana will make sure Reinard gets on there)
    • Submitted a ticket, they will create a tag that ETS owns and the 3 of us have permissions to. 
    •  This is done

Student Developed Applications - Meet with Professors
  • When should we meet with Professors?
    • Phil Conrad
    • Tobias Hollerer
    • Tim Sherwood (Steven wants to talk with this guy)
  • What should be on the agenda?
    • Present what we have to the Professor (This is should be the whole agenda for the first meeting) 
    • Can the professors take over as project sponsors and the UCSB responsible party for reviewing the application and making sure security is put in place.
      • Could Grad Students take on that responsibility 
    • Capstone project idea, a year long project idea
    • Security review
    • Continuity
    • Use of graduate students to oversee student developers
  • Our Members at the meeting(s)
    • Diana
    • Steven
  • When - in February
  • Send a reminder email to request for a progress update mid March.

Legal / Policy Statements for Student DevelopmentDiana Antova
  • Working with Sam Horowitz and Jennifer Lowfthus on policy statement for students to sign.
  • Emailed them on  
  • follow up with Jennifer Diana Antova
  • APIGEE-199

Mobile Applications That We Should Reach Out ToSteven Maglio
  • iOS
    • GoGaucho 
    • Gaucho Life
    • UC Santa Barbara Guides
    • UC Santa Barbara Events
    • UCSB - UC Santa Barbara (Involvio LLC)
  • Android
    • UC Santa Barbara Guides
    • UC Santa Barbara Events

Workflow - API Access RequestDiana Antova

Workflow - Publish a New APIDiana Antova

@apibot - Powershell Conversion & HostingKevin Wu
  • Working on Kevin's Computer (node 8.9.X) (APIGEE-105 & APIGEE-101)
  • Heroku for deployment
  • Kevin will deploy to Heroku

API Access Expected UsageSteven Maglio
  • Expected Usage Text and Legal-ize (Terms of Service) - page
  • on App create send the legal text to the developer
  • on API access request - 
    • email on auto-approve for API expected usage, send them the form to fill with a check-box to agree on API usage terms
    • email on requesting that they fill out  the form for any non-auto approval- add same check-box
  • Do we have this documented? Has this been turned into an Apigee Ticket? Create security guidelines
  • Will review in the context of student development guidelines, maybe create them for everyone

Developer Portal Front Page Updates
  • In About Section

API Health check/MonitoringDiana Antova

API DictionaryDiana Antova
  • API dictionary and data governance - define field meaning, naming conventions (Bruce Miller)

API Selection pageIan Lessing (Unlicensed)
  • API select page - fix layout (Denise)

Accounts for separated employees/student

 Steven Maglio

  • What do we do with separated employees
  • periodic verification (quarterly, yearly)

Google Analyticschristian.montecino (Unlicensed)

Migration of developer.ucsb.edu to the UCSB account Steven Maglio
  • Check with Shea next steps
    • Email sent to Shea  
  • APIGEE-196

Action items
