How To - Getting Started Power BI

How To - Getting Started Power BI

Power BI is a UCSB campus wide cloud reporting platform. Login with a valid netid from any browser or download the Power BI app and connect on a mobile device. Users need additional privileges to publish content.

Login at https://app.PowerBI.com

Click here to view a quick video on Power BI.


  1. Set up Login Access

    1. Create a csv with two columns Groupname and Username.

    2. Rows contain Pbi_Users@BI.my.ucsb.edu for Groupname column and Column Username contains <netid>@my.ucsb.edu where <netid> is a valid UCSB netid.

    3. Attach csv to an email and send to  identityhelp@sa.ucsb.edu.

  2. Set up Multi Factor Authentication (see How To - Set up Duo MFA for Power BI)

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