Step 2 - Department Review (Staff Graduate Advisor)

Step 2 - Department Review (Staff Graduate Advisor)


The purpose of this step is for the Staff Graduate Advisor to review the committee and add exception request documents if needed.

Who can complete this step?

This is intended for the Staff Graduate Advisor to complete. You must have the “Staff Graduate Advisor” role in GradPoint Academics to complete this step.

Reviewing the Committee

Review each member of the committee. Does your department have committee requirements that are in addition to the Senate Regulations (such as requiring 4 members, or requiring one member from a different department)? This is your opportunity to review the committee for additional requirements and collect exception documentation if needed.

Proposed Committee Members Section

This displays the nominated committee, and information about the members.

  1. Affiliation = the Campus or other institution they are from

  2. Departments(s) = The member’s home department and any other department that the member is affiliated with (per Academic Personnel)

  3. Student Dept. Aff.

    1. “Yes” means that the member is an Academic Senate Member that is from the student’s home department or officially affiliated with the student’s home department.

    2. “No” means that the member is not a member or affiliate of the student’s home department.

  4. Tenure Track = the member is a UCSB Tenure Track (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Professor, Professor Emeritus)

  5. Academic Senate = the member is UCSB Academic Senate (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Professor Emeritus, Lecturer SOE, Lecturer PSOE, Senior Lecturer SOE)

  6. Rank = Their Academic Senate Membership rank

The Committee Validation Results Section

This section will indicate whether or not the committee meets the Senate Requirements for a valid committee. Each Senate Requirement is listed out, and either a green check mark (meaning that it meets the requirement) or a red check mark (meaning it does not meet the requirement) will be next to it.

Here is an example of a valid committee (all of the committee validation results are a pass):

Here is an example of an invalid committee (because at least one did not pass):

Adding Exception Documentation

When a committee isn’t valid, an exception request must be submitted during this step. The Validation Results will let you know the reason that the committee isn’t valid, and the exception request must explain why the committee should be approved anyway. More information on exception requests can be found on the Graduate Division’s website. A CV for the exceptional member must also be included.

Click “Browse” to select the PDF that you want to upload.

You can preview the file, and clear it if you selected the wrong file.

Submitting or Denying the Step

In most cases you will likely approve the step, however you can use your judgement and your departmental requirements/norms to help you determine if a proposed committee needs alterations before it would be approved by the Department Chair.

If you deny the step, it is sent back to step 1 and will need to be resubmitted.

If you approve the step, then the workflow will continue to the next step.

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