Committee Nomination Forms

Committee Nomination Forms

Departmental and Graduate Division Responsibilities

Department Chairs must sign the committee nomination forms for Master’s thesis and Doctoral students.

  • Chairs are signing to approve and confirm that

    • The committee is valid (consists of 3 Academic Senate faculty, with a tenure-track faculty member from the student’s major (home) department serving as chair or co-chair. At least two members of every doctoral and master’s thesis committee must be tenure-track faculty, and the third could be an SOE.

  • When an exception is needed

The Graduate Division Academic Services Unit is responsible for:

  • Checking against the Academic Senate Membership List to ensure that the committee is valid per the Senate Regulation

  • Entering the committee into our database

  • Routing exception requests to the Academic Senate

Full Policy and Procedure on Master’s and Doctoral Committees:

Policy: https://ext-prod.graddiv.ucsb.edu/academic-services/forms-petitions

Procedure: https://ucsb-atlas.atlassian.net/l/c/GUKcyaBm


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