Committee Change (Update Committee) Action

Committee Change (Update Committee) Action

This GradPoint action is used by the student or the Staff Graduate Advisor to initiate the change of a thesis or doctoral committee. This action replaces the paper Committee Change Form IA. Either the student (via GradPoint Students) or the Staff Graduate Advisor (in GradPoint Academics) can begin this action. The action includes the capability of determining whether a committee is valid per the Academic Senate Regulations, removing the manual process by the Academic Services staff. All approvals are gathered online via the workflow.

Senate Regulation 300.B details the requirements for master’s thesis committees, and Senate Regulation 350.D.2 details the requirements for doctoral committees (the requirements for master’s thesis and doctoral committees are the same). Additional details and explanations can be found on the Graduate Division’s website.


This action encompasses the entire committee change process into an online workflow. This includes updating the committee, obtaining the approvals from the committee members and the department chair, recording conflicts of interest, and Graduate Council review (for committees that require an exception).

Step 1 - Propose Committee Change (completed by either the Staff Graduate Advisor or the student).

Step 2 - Department Review (completed by the Staff Graduate Advisor)

Step 3 - Graduate Division Review (completed by Graduate Division Academic Services Staff - only when needed)

Step 4 - Student Signature (completed by the student)

Step 5 - Committee Participant Approval (completed by the committee chair and members being added or having their role modified)

Step 6 - Department Chair Review (Completed by the Department Chair)

Step 7 - Associate Dean Review (only if a Conflict of Interest is Reported)

Step 8 - Graduate Council Review (only if the committee requires an exception)


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