Rest of the Workflow

Rest of the Workflow

Step 3 - Graduate Division Review

This step is only triggered when the committee needs an exception, or when the Graduate Division needs to validate a UC faculty member from another UC Campus. In those cases, one of the Academic Services Team members will review the step.

If the committee is valid and does not have any outside UC members to validate, this step will automatically be skipped.

Step 4 - Student Signature

Regardless of whether the Committee Create Action was started by the Staff Graduate Advisor or by the student, the student will need to complete Step 4. This step collects the student’s approval of the committee and gives the student the opportunity to report conflicts of interest.

The student will receive an email notification letting them know that they need to log in to GradPoint Students to review and approve this step.

The student will review the committee, have the opportunity to add a conflict of interest, and submit their approval.

When the student approves, an email will be generated to the committee members requesting them to approve (Step 5).

If the student denies, the action needs to be resubmitted from the first step.

Staff Graduate Advisors can emulate the student in GradPoint Students to view the same thing that the student sees in cases where the Staff Graduate Advisor needs to help the student complete the process or answer questions.

Example email notification to the student:

What the student will see (Desktop version):

Step 5 - Committee Participant Approvals

Downloadable Information sheet for members:

In this step, the committee members will approve (or deny) the step, and have the opportunity to list a conflict of interest if needed.

The member will receive an email prompting them to log into GradPoint using their NetID and password.

Sample email to the nominated Committee Member

What the member will see in GradPoint:

Only campus-affiliated members (members with a UCSB Net ID) will approve committee service this way. Outside members (such as a professor or researcher from another university) will receive an email once the committee is approved letting them know that they have been nominated to the committee. It also informs them to reply to the email if they are not the person listed, or if they do not agree to serve on the committee. In such cases, the Graduate Division will require a Committee Change Action.

If a member chooses “Deny” on this step, the action will terminate and will be sent back to Step 1.


Step 7 - Associate Dean Review

The Associate Dean of the Graduate Division will only need to review a Committee Create/Committee Change Action if a Conflict of Interest (COI) was reported.

The Associate Dean will review the COI information and the mitigation plan entered by the Department Chair.

If the Associate Dean approves the action, it will continue on (to either complete the action, or go to the Graduate Council Chair if the committee is invalid and requires an exception).


Step 8 - Graduate Council Review

The Graduate Council Chair will only need to review invalid committees. If the committee is valid, then this step will be skipped.

Purpose: The Chair of the Graduate Council is responsible for reviewing all committee exception.


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