Updating minors in STAR

Updating minors in STAR

Please note:

  • Completed and signed departmental minor clearance forms must be received by the Office of the Registrar in order for minors to be officially recognized on student records.
    • Paper (PDF) forms are accepted, or, they can be submitted using the DocuSign template (Minor Clearance Form)
  • Minor clearance forms cannot be accepted with ‘work-in-progress’ coursework. All grades must be assigned before submitting minor clearance forms to the Office of the Registrar.
  • Minor clearance forms can be submitted as soon as all coursework is completed – there is no need to hold the clearance form until the student declares degree candidacy for graduation.
  • Degree candidates: minor clearance forms must be received by the NILS deadline for the degree quarter in order for the minor to be awarded. 


Academic minors are added to student records by sponsoring department via STAR. 

If a student notifies the department that they are no longer pursuing the minor, or they do not complete the requirements for the minor, the minor should be removed (cancelled). 


Academic departments

Office of the Registrar - Academic Services (graduationmatters@sa.ucsb.edu)

Time Considerations:

Minors can be updated via STAR up until a student's degree has been awarded.

Adding a minor


  1. In STAR, navigate to the X-menu (Data Entry MENU)
  3. Fill in:
    1. Minor: type in the code. See the T-Table menu in STAR for a list of codes.
    2. Action: type "a" for add
    3. Act: type "a" for add
    4. Perm: type 6- or 7-digit Perm
    5. Start: type the quarter the student began the minor. Typically the current quarter. Format: QYY, example F22.
      1. NOTE: do NOT enter a “Start” quarter which is beyond a student’s degree quarter (example: do not have a minor start quarter of M23 if the student is a degree candidate for S23).
    6. NOTE: do NOT add an “End” quarter for any student who will complete the minor.
    7. Press enter to update the record

  4. Minors can be viewed on the STAR Q-screen. This screen is quarter-specific, so the minor will only appear in quarters that the minor was active. Example, if the minor was added F22, it will not appear on the Q-screen for S22.

Cancelling a minor (removing)

  • Student no longer pursing the minor
  • Student graduating but did not complete minor requirements


  1. In STAR, navigate to the X-menu (Data Entry MENU)
  3. Fill in:
    1. Minor: type in the code. See the T-Table menu in STAR for a list of codes.
    2. Action: type "c" for cancel
    3. Act: type "c" for cancel
    4. Perm: type 6- or 7-digit Perm
    5. End: type the quarter the student stopped pursing the minor. Typically the current quarter.
      1. NOTE: do NOT enter a “End” quarter which is beyond a student’s degree quarter (example: do not have a minor end quarter of M23 if the student is a degree candidate for S23).
    6. NOTE: there is no need to enter a “Start” quarter when cancelling a minor.

Expected Outcomes:

Academic departments will be able to add and remove minors from student records. 

Troubleshooting/Common Issues:

Email graduationmatters@sa.ucsb.edu

Related Policies or Required Resources:

Academic Senate Regulations: https://senate.ucsb.edu/bylaws-and-regulations/

UCSB General Catalog: https://my.sa.ucsb.edu/catalog/current/CollegesDepartments/ls-intro/AcademicMinors.aspx 

List of minors: https://my.sa.ucsb.edu/catalog/current/UndergraduateEducation/ug_minors.aspx

Reporting: PowerBI app.powerbi.com -

     Current students: “Student Reporting” app, choose “Student Extract Minor”

     Degree candidates: “Student Reporting” app, choose “Degrees," choose “UG Minor Candidates"

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