Distinction in Major (DIM)

Departmental Senior Honors Program


Effective Fall 2024, tracking of who is pursuing DIM, and notification to the Office of the Registrar of who has completed the program, will be done through the AAA exception workflow.

See for more information on this exception type.


2 step process:

BOTH steps MUST be completed.

  • Step 1: as soon as the department knows that a student is pursuing departmental senior honors program:

    • Enter the AAA Advisor Approval exception for the area: “student is pursuing departmental senior honors program”

  • Step 2: as soon as the student completes the departmental senior honors program:

    • Enter the AAA Advisor Approval exception for the area: “student has completed Distinction in Major”



Email sara.cook@sa.ucsb.edu for a report of exceptions entered for your department.