Minor Clearance form in DocuSign

Minor Clearance form in DocuSign

See also: Updating minors in STAR

How to use the template

Using the existing Minor Clearance Form Template allows you to fill in all required form information and complete the minor clearance form for a student.

Log into UCSB DocuSign using your UCSB NetID and password.

Click “Start” – “Use a Template” from the drop-down menu.

On the left-hand side, click on “Shared Folders” – “CAMPUS TEMPLATES” – “Registrar’s Office.” Find “Minor Clearance Form” in the list. Or, search for “Minor Clearance Form” in “All Templates.”

Select the radio button next to “Minor Clearance Form” and click “Add Selected.”

Choose either Quick Send or Advanced Edit. (Quick Send automatically pops up.)

Quick Send allows you to enter the envelope recipient names and emails here and then fill in the form using a link emailed to the Authorized Department Faculty or Staff. Instructions follow.

Advanced Edit allows you to enter the envelope recipient names and emails here and then fill in the form in the next step. Instructions follow.


If using Quick Send: Enter the names and emails of the envelope recipients.

Role 1 is the Authorized Department Faculty or Staff. That is the person that will be signing the form.

Role 3 is the Student. Enter their name and email so they will receive a copy. This will also populate their name in the subject line of the envelope email.

Click “Send”

If you noted yourself as the Authorized Department Faculty or Staff, choose either “Sign Now” or “Sign Later.”

“Sign Now” will take you to a page to fill in all of the needed fields for the form. Required fields are outlined in red and optional fields are outlined in gray. Hovering over the fields will also trigger a pop-up display letting you know if the field is required or optional.

“Sign Later” will take you back to the main DocuSign page. Use the link emailed to you to complete the form later.

If using Advanced Edit: Click “Advanced Edit”

Enter the names and emails of the envelope recipients.

Role 1 is the Authorized Department Faculty or Staff. That is the person that will be signing the form.

Role 3 is the Student. Enter their name and email so they will receive a copy. This will also populate their name in the subject line of the envelope email.

Click “Next”

Fill in the form fields as needed to complete the form. Required fields have a yellow background and optional fields have a white background.

When you have filled in all needed fields, click “Send”

Using either method, you will receive a copy of the completed form via email.



How to make a copy of the template for your own use

Making your own copy of the Minor Clearance Form Template allows you to save your own template copy and pre-populate certain fields within the template for your department.

Log into UCSB DocuSign using your UCSB NetID and password.

Click “Templates” at the top of the page.

On the left-hand side, click on “Shared Folders” – “CAMPUS TEMPLATES” – “Registrar’s Office.” Find “Minor Clearance Form” in the list. Or, search for “Minor Clearance Form” in “All Templates.”

Once your see “Minor Clearance Form” in the list, click the drop-down arrow on the “Use” button on the right-hand side. Choose “Copy” from the drop-down list.

Choose a new name for the Template. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

Once you have re-named the template, you can make changes to the template as needed. You might want to: Pre-populate a name and email in the Authorized Department Faculty or Staff role, or Pre-populate the name of the minor, preparation courses, upper-division courses, and/or the department name.

Save the template. Now this template will be available to you under the “My Templates” section in DocuSign for future use.



How to use the bulk recipient upload

Using bulk recipient upload allows you to fill in all fields of the minor clearance form for multiple students in a CSV file and then upload the file to create individual envelopes for each student. The Authorized Department Faculty or Staff will individually sign each envelope.

The CSV template file must be saved/uploaded in CSV format (XLS or XLSX will not work). To add student and department information in the file, leave the header row (row 1) labeled as-is and populate the information in subsequent rows.

Log into UCSB DocuSign using your UCSB NetID and password.

Click “Start” – “Use a Template” from the drop-down menu.

On the left-hand side, click on “Shared Folders” – “CAMPUS TEMPLATES” – “Registrar’s Office.” Find “Minor Clearance Form” in the list. Or, search for “Minor Clearance Form” in “All Templates.”

Select the radio button next to “Minor Clearance Form” and click “Add Selected.”

Click “Advanced Edit”

Click on “Import a bulk list.”

Choose your pre-populated CSV file.

If you receive a “Bulk Send Matching Exceptions” error for “Student::Name” and “Student::Email” disregard the message and click “Accept.” I am in contact with LSIT about this issue.

Review the “Bulk List Preview” window to ensure all fields look correct. Click “Finish Import” when ready.

Your bulk list has been uploaded.

Choose “Send Now.”

You will receive a copy of the form via email. You (if you are the department representative) can either sign the forms using the emailed links or by logging in to your DocuSign account.

You will receive a copy of the completed form via email.





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