CourseDog - Creating Custom/Default Search Criteria

CourseDog - Creating Custom/Default Search Criteria

When viewing the Course or Programs listing, the system uses a set of default parameters to display courses. It’s possible for an individual user to set up multiple saved search parameters and to set one as a default.


  1. When on the Courses or Programs page, use the Filter button to set up any filter criteria you would like. An example might be to filter based on Courses from a Department:


  2. If the filter is something that you might want to use again in the future, click on the Saved Views button in the upper right of the display.

  3. A listing of all of your current Saved Views will display. Click on the Save Current View button.

  4. A window will display allowing you to name the view and assign a description. The screen will also display the parameters of the filter that are in use:


  5. Click Save to save the filter.

  6. If you would like to assign a filter as the default for every time you access the system, Open the Saved Views window again and click on the Account Settings link in the window header.

  7. Scroll down to the Default Views section. The drop down menus next to each View should contain all of your saved views. Select the view that you would like as the default for each display page.