Reuniting a Course (L&S and COE)

Reuniting a Course (L&S and COE)

Documents Needed

For all re-uniting requests, the Senate requires that departments submit the following:

1.) A memo addressed from the Chair of the Department to the Chair of the FEC providing a rationale for re-uniting the course(s). Note that for course change requests a faculty vote is NOT needed; also, if multiple courses are requested, then they can be addressed all in a single memo.

2.) A copy of a sample/proposed syllabus for the course(s).

3.) A "Course Revaluation Worksheet" for each of the course(s).

  • Guidelines from the L&S FEC on Re-uniting requests:

Note that the memo does not typically need to be too extensive, but it is important that between the memo, the re-uniting worksheet, the course specifications in the Course Management system (i.e. CourseDog), and any other documentation provided, that the reviewing committees will have sufficient information to evaluate the proposed unit value for the courses. Note that it is critical that the Course Revaluation Worksheet support the revised unit value (approximately 3 hours of work should be required by students per week for each unit that the course is valued at, e.g. a 5-unit course should require approximately 15 hours of work per week). 

Notes Regarding Possible Impacts to Majors and Minors

Re-uniting courses can sometimes impact major and minor requirements, so it is also important for departments to consider how course changes might impact Program requirements. If any such impacts are anticipated, then those should be directly addressed in the memo to the FEC, and sometimes course re-uniting requests may need to be submitted in conjunction with requests to modify major/minor requirements, although that is typically not the case. If any broader impacts are anticipated, then please also notify Rob Antenore in the College of Letters & Science or Haley Orton in the College of Engineering to coordinate the process for Departments to modify their major and minor requirements.

Notes Regarding Submission Process

The proposal submission process has actually just changed now that the Course Management system has moved from the MCA program to the CourseDog platform. Previously, when we were using the MCA system, all completed proposals were sent to the college, and then they would review some details and ultimately submit the proposal to the FEC on behalf of the Department. However, under the new process, the College Offices will not be directly involved in the same ways (although Rob or Haley are still happy to assist departments with details if helpful). 

Now, under the CourseDog platform protocols, the completed proposal documents should be uploaded directly into the CourseDog system at the same time that departments submit the proposed modifications to the courses (to increase the unit values, and modify any other related specifications). Then, the course submissions (with the attached proposal documents) move through the course review process, including through the FEC and CCGE committees who will review the proposal documents and will follow up with the Department for more information if/as needed. Ultimately, if the re-uniting proposal is endorsed by the FEC and approved by CCGE, then the course modification submissions in the CourseDog system would be approved, and the courses would then have the new unit values starting from the approved effective dates.

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