Submitting a Request for Revision to Requirements

Submitting a Request for Revision to Requirements

The Request for Revision to Requirements is the process to submit changes to undergraduate major and minor requirements for the next academic year. It was moved from a webform to CourseDog starting with the 2024-2025 curricular changes. The form replaces the process for collecting changes and managing processes in the Office of the Registrar, but as of right now, is not being used to manage the approval by faculty committees.

There are two ways to access the form:

Option 1: Submitting a New Proposal

  1. Access the Curriculum application within CourseDog.

  2. On the Home screen, click on the ‘New Proposal’ option on the right side of the screen under the Actions header:


  3. You will be provided with a prompt and a series of options in a drop down. Select the option “I want to submit a Request for Revision to Requirements”:


  4. A new question will appear to Select a Program. Just start typing the name of the major or minor and the drop down will begin to auto-populate with matching records. Select the record you want to update. If you know the 5-character major code from the SIS, that will also work as a search term:


  5. Click the Go To Form link.
    Note: If the department associated with the program is not one of your affiliated departments in CourseDog, you will see a message that you are not allowed to edit that program.


Option 2: Propose Changes

  1. Click on the Programs option in the Main Menu.

  2. Find the program you would like to submit a request for and open that program.

  3. On the right side of the screen, you will see an option for “Propose Changes”.


  4. A dialog box titled “Edit Program” will open and a list of forms will display in a drop down. Select the Request for Revision of Requirements form.

  5. Click Submit.

  6. The form will open and you may start filling out the proposal.



All proposals that you begin filling out in CourseDog automatically create and auto-save a draft of the proposal. At any point you may leave the form and return. The only way to actually delete a proposal is to use the “Delete Proposal” button when viewing a proposal.

To access Drafts, there will be a “Drafts” button in the main menu on the left of the screen. All proposals that you have started but not submitted or deleted will be shown on that page.

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