Sprint 2023-12 - 6/5/23-6/16/23

Sprint 2023-12 - 6/5/23-6/16/23

Operations (various systems)

  • System updates/enhancements

    • New Military code (M - Veteran: VETMIL Verified) has been added to the available options for classifying student veterans. This code is joined to the new VMS (Veteran/Military Services) miscellaneous program value, which will also receive priority registration. This is in support of the work for the Veterans and Military Services Office

    • Updated text on the ‘locked record’ message in STAR. This text now directs staff to contact the Office of Student Conduct, rather than the Dean. This text was already updated in SREG.

  • Bug fixes

    • Resolved an issue in the GE update module (SRGEJ059) that created duplicate requirement records in the Require table. This will eliminate the duplication of degree requirements that sometimes display on the R screen in SREG. This DOES NOT remove duplicates that already exist. Those are being removed ad hoc when discovered.

    • Resolved lowercase alphanumeric perms in uAchieve

    • Investigation and troubleshooting for a student whose record was seemingly accessed without authorization.


  • Resolved display issues in MCA course descriptions in GOLD.

  • Ongoing ad hoc course description insertion into ODS. This allows for course descriptions to be displayed in GOLD in the interim, while the Coursedog/ODS data sync is fixed.