Employment Reports

Employment Reports

Employment Reports

There are several reports to assist in departmental audits of student employment, EFR eligibility, and employment fee offset commitments. After selecting “Employment” in the Report Set and clicking “view” at the top of the page, you will see the tabs for the available employment reports at the bottom of the screen.


Employment Exceptions Needed Report

This report allows departments to quickly determine which students will require an employment exception for the upcoming quarter/s. It is ideal to run this report about 7 weeks prior to the start of the quarter in order to submit exceptions to the Graduate Division Employment unit with enough time to receive approval before offering academic employment to a student.

This report can be filtered by year and quarter to isolate the specific upcoming quarter. If an exception is needed, there will be a Y in one or more of the fields that indicates the type of exception needed.

The data provided in the Employment Exceptions Needed report includes:

AIDYR – Aid Year
SID – Student ID/Perm
Name - Name
TERM – Quarter
Student Department 1 – Home department associated with student’s highest open degree objective
Student Department 2 - Home department associated with student’s 2nd highest open degree objective
Remission Level – Remission Level that the student is eligible for based on their appointment percentage in UCPath: Full, ASE Partial
EFR Sum Committed – Employment fee offset amount committed
EFR Sum Awarded - Employment fee offset amount awarded
EFR Sum Paid - Employment fee offset amount paid
QtrCount – Exception needed for TA/Associate quarter count; Student has already worked a combined total of 15 quarters as a TA and/or Associate
BeyondTTD - Exception needed for time to degree; Students is 4 or more quarters Beyond Time to Degree
Over75Pct - Exception needed for employment percentage time more than 75% time
Probation – Exception needed for the appointment of a student on academic probation
RegistrationStatus – Student’s registration status: Registered, Unregistered, Cancelled, On Leave
SortKey - key code (perm, aidyr, aidid, ptype, term, commitment sequence)

Employment Quarter Count Report

The Employment Quarter Count Report is a count of all quarters a student has been employed in order to see the total across multiple appointments and quarters. This report is broken into two sections: 1) the PAR Quarter Summary and 2) the PAR Quarter Details. The report includes historical pay tables with hours worked from PPS (previous payroll system) in the Legacy field of the detailed data. These are merged with appointment FTE data in UC Path.

The reported is intended to be used by selecting a single student. It displays the number of quarters and the positions in which a student has been employed. The Summary will take the total number of quarters worked in academic positions and sum them in order to get a complete count. In order to get the details from the summary, review the details in the second section of the report.

The data provided in the PAR Quarter Summary includes:

Perm - Perm
Name - Name
Pay Period End Quarter – The academic quarter the employment ended in the format YYYYQ. Quarter: 1=winter, 2=spring, 3=fall, 4=summer.
TA-ASSO Quarter Count – The column counts the number of times a student has been employed as either a TA or Associate. 1=student was employed as a TA or Associate combined. The total at the bottom is the total number of quarters a student has been employed.
TA Quarter Count – The column counts the number of times a student has been employed as a TA. 1=student was employed as a TA for the quarter;
Asso Quarter Count – The column counts the number of times a student has been employed as an Associate. 1=student was employed as an Associate for the quarter; 0=not employed.
GSR Quarter Count – The column counts the number of times a student has been employed as a GSR. 1=student was employed as an Associate for the quarter; 0=not employed.
Reader Quarter Count – The column counts the number of times a student has been employed as a Reader. 1=student was employed as an Associate for the quarter; 0=not employed.

The data provided in the PAR Quarter Detail includes:

Perm - Perm
Name - Name
Pay Period End Quarter – The academic quarter the employment ended in the format YYYYQ. Quarter: 1=winter, 2=spring, 3=fall, 4=summer.
Title – HR Title code and description of employment position
Dept – Employment department
Hours – Number of work hours reported
FTE – FTE employment percentage of employment position in UCPath
Legacy – Denotes an employment position prior to introduction of UC Path and GradDiv Portal
Employee_ID – UCPath employment ID number
LegacyEmployeeID – Legacy system employment ID number


Employment ASE/GSR Experience Minimum Report

Under the current ASE and GSRs contracts ratified in December 2022, students employed in certain titles must now be paid at or above their experience based minimum required by the respective Collective Bargaining Agreement. This Report provides student quarters of experience in Teaching Assistant, Associate Instructor, and Graduate Student Researcher positions to help hiring departments determine the appropriate experienced-based salary point minimum required by the respective collective bargaining agreement.

Experience Based Minimum Requirements

ASE Contract: https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/labor/bargaining-units/bx/contract.html

GSR Contract: https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/labor/bargaining-units/br/contract.html

Beginning  Fall Term 2023 for Teaching Assistant and Associate Instructor positions, and 10/1/2023 for Graduate Student Researcher positions, the Experience Based Salary Wage Schedule shall be implemented. Please note, Teaching Assistant and Associate Instructor positions are Academic Year positions, where service dates may differ from appointment begin and end dates, while Graduate Student Researchers are Fiscal Year positions, where service dates should match appointment begin and end dates.

Teaching Assistants and Associate Instructors shall be placed on the new Experience Based Salary Wage Schedule as follows:

Teaching Assistant (See Article 30b “Special Wages,” Section C.1.a of the ASE Contract)

  1. If a Teaching Assistant has University teaching experience at 25% FTE or more per term at their campus of 3 quarters/2 semesters they shall be placed on salary point 2 upon their first teaching appointment on or following the 2023-2024 Fall term.

  2. If a Teaching Assistant has University teaching experience at 25% FTE or more per term at their campus of 6 quarters/4 semesters, they shall be placed on salary point 3 upon their first teaching appointment on or following the 2023-2024 Fall term.

Associate Instructor (See Article 30b “Special Wages,” Section C.1.b of the ASE Contract)    

  1. Table 19 shall be restructured to have uniform 3.0% increments between each two sequential salary points, resulting in a 7-point salary scale.

  2. Current Associate Instructors will be placed on the new salary scale at the nearest point on or above their range adjusted full-time salary rate.

  3. If an Associate Instructor has University teaching experience at  25% FTE or more per term at their campus of 6 quarters/4 semesters, they shall be placed on salary point 3,unless already placed on a higher salary point.

  4. If an Associate Instructor has (1) advanced to candidacy and (2) has University teaching experience at 25% FTE or more per term at their campus of 6 quarters/4 semesters they shall be placed on salary point 5, unless already placed on a higher salary point.

Graduate Student Researcher (GSR)(See “Wages” Article, Section B.3.b of the GSR Contract) 

Placement on Salary Points (Effective October 1, 2023)

  1. Experience for placement effective October 1, 2023 shall be counted as follows:

    • GSRs' experience shall be determined as of June 30, 2023;

    • Trainees/Fellows' experience between January 1, 2022- June 30, 2023 shall be used for placement

  2. Experience for placement effective October 1, 2024 shall be counted as of June 30, 2024.

  3. The University shall transition Trainees and Fellows to the GSR Scale effective October 1, 2023

  4. A GSR with at least two semesters/three quarters of experience (or equivalent length of service) in a bargaining unit position at 25% FTE or more per term at the same campus shall be placed at salary point 2 or higher.

  5. A GSR with at least four semesters/six quarters of experience (or equivalent length of service) in a bargaining unit position at 25% FTE or more per term at the same campus shall be placed at salary point 3 or higher.

  6. At the University's sole discretion, it may place GSRs at a higher salary point than the minimum.

Report Layout

This report is broken into two sections; one for the ASE job titles of Teaching Assistant and Associate Instructor; and one for GSR job titles of Graduate Student Researchers, Trainee, and Fellows. The Trainee/Fellow experience from UCPath can be found in the “Fellow Exp” column. Trainee/Fellow experience prior to UCPath entry (between the Jan 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 dates) can be found in the “Historical Fellow” column.

Other Report Notes

This report only shows experience from UCPath and does not include experience prior to the Fall 2018 quarter. For students with less than 6 quarters of experience, where a hiring department believes the student may have been employed prior to Fall 2018, departments should confirm with the student whether they have employment experience as a Teaching Assistant or Associate Instructor at UCSB prior to Fall 2018.

This report should not be used when determining if a student is near the Associate/Teaching Assistant quarter limit. Please use the Employment Quarter Count report when determining if a student requires an employment exception for exceeding the Associate/Teaching Assistant quarter limit.

A quarter or experience in an Associate Instructor or Teaching Assistant title does not count as a quarter of experience as a GSR and vice versa. However, a quarter of experience as an Associate Instructor or Teaching Assistant do count across those two titles (e.g. two quarters of Teaching Assistant experience and one quarter of Associate Instructor experience equate to three quarters of experience towards a subsequent Teaching Assistant or Associate Instructor position).

The report only tallies quarters of experience from employment at UCSB. 

The report tallies experience based on all current UCPath appointments up to one year in the future. Changes in UCPath appointments may change future experience counts.



How to run the report

Login to GradPoint Financial and navigate to the Reports section. After selecting “Employment” in the Report Set and clicking “view” at the top of the page, you will see the tabs for the available employment reports at the bottom of the screen, select the “Employment Experience Count” tab.

Search by a perm or employee ID and clear the Year/Qtr filter to see the student’s entire employment history going back to the Fall 2018 quarter. The report focuses on the student titles of Teaching Assistant, Associate Instructor, Graduate Student Researcher, and Graduate Student Researcher Fellow/Trainee. The report will display a “Y” for the quarters with qualifying experience. 

The ASE Exp Running column displays the cumulative quarter experience a student has in the Teaching Assistant and Associate Instructor titles. The ASE Exp Running column should be used to determine the qualifying experience a student has in the Associate/Teaching Assistant titles.

The GSR/Fellow Running column displays the cumulative quarter experience a student has in the Graduate Student Researcher and Graduate Student Researcher Fellow/Trainee titles. The GSR/Fellow Running column should be used to determine the total quarters of qualifying experience a student has in the GSR titles.

The Min Salary Point column provides the minimum salary point the student qualifies for based on the existing appointments in UCPath dating back to Fall 2018. This column could be used when determining the minimum salary point. 

The placement on salary points takes effect on October 1, 2023. Therefore, the report is configured to display a minimum salary point as of the Fall ‘23 quarter. Additionally, the report will not display a minimum salary point until the student’s second year of employment, e.g. the report will begin providing the minimum salary point in the Fall ‘24 quarter if the student’s first quarter of employment occurred during the 2023-24 year.

Both sections of the report has a “Has Leave” column for their respective leaves. A leave from employment in the Teaching Assistant or Associate Instructor title will display a “Y” in the “Has Leave” column of the ASE section of the report. A “Y” in this section will be tallied as experience in the “ASE Exp Quarters” column.


A leave from employment in the Graduate Student Researcher or GSR Trainee/Fellow titles will display a “Y” in the “Has Leave” column of the GSR section of the report. A “Y” in this section will be tallied as experience in the “GSR/Fellow Running” column.


The data provided in the Employment ASE/GSR Experience Minimum Report includes:

Column Name


Column Name



Student Perm



Employee ID

UCPath Employee ID


Year and quarter of employment


The academic quarter the employment ended in the format YYYYQ. Quarter: 1=winter, 2=spring, 3=fall, 4=summer

Has Leave

Identifies the quarters the student took a qualifying leave in the TA, Associate, and GSR titles. Y= a leave that qualifies as experience; blank=not did not take a leave

TA Exp


Identifies eligible quarters the student was employed as a TA. Y=eligible employment as an TA for the quarter; blank=not employed or did not qualify

Associate Exp

Identifies eligible quarters the student was employed as an Associate. Y=eligible employment as an Associate for the quarter; blank=not employed or did not qualify


Identifies eligible quarters the student has been employed as either a TA or Associate. Y=has an eligible employment count for the quarter; blank=not applicable for the quarter.

ASE Exp Running

Incremental totals the number of times a student has been employed as either a TA or Associate. The number shown is the total number of quarters the student has been employed as a TA or Associate.

Multiple appointments in the same quarter will only count towards one quarter of experience.

The report tallies all UCPath appointments up to one year in the future. Users should verify the number displayed corresponds to the quarter which the student is being employed.


Identifies eligible quarters the student was employed as a GSR. Y=student was employed as an GSR for the quarter; blank=not employed or not eligible

Historical Fellow

Identifies the quarters the student has participated as a Trainee or Fellow based on fellowship data. Y=student participated as a Trainee or Fellow for the quarter; blank=not participated

Fellow Exp

Identifies eligible quarters the student has participated as a Trainee or Fellow based on UCPath data. Y=student participated as a Trainee or Fellow for the quarter; blank=not employed or not eligible

GSR/Fellow Running

Incremental totals the number of times a student has been employed/participated as either a GSR, Trainee or Fellow.

The report tallies all UCPath appointments up to one year in the future.

Salary Increment Min

Identifies a student’s minimum salary point.

The report is configured to display a minimum salary point as of the Fall ‘23 quarter. The report will not display a minimum salary point until the student’s second year of employment, e.g. the report will begin providing the minimum salary point on the Fall ‘24 quarter if the student’s first quarter of employment occurred during the 2023-24 year.

UC Path Jobs Pre-Processed Report

This report provides a summary of the job data from UC Path for any student employment. This is based on data that is evaluated from UC Path to determine if a student is eligible for fee remission. The report is intended to be used to look up a student’s perm or Employee ID by typing into the boxes at the top to view their appointment details. The report can be further narrowed down by simply using the drop down menus at the top (AIDYR, Term, etc).

The data provided in the UC Path Jobs Pre-Processed report:

EmployeeID - Employee ID number from UC Path
Perm - Perm
Name - Name
Quarter – The quarter of employment in YYYYQ format. Quarter: 1=winter, 2=spring, 3=fall, 4=summer.
Job Code - The job code in UC Path of the employment position; example: 2310 (Teaching Assistant)
Quarter FTE - FTE calculation of position
Current Eligibility - Fee remission bundle for which the student is eligible
Empl. Rec - Employment Record number from UC Path
Eff. Date - Effective date of appointment from UC Path
Last Eff. Date - Updated effective date; i.e. if changes to appointment were made after original effective date from UC Path
Last Hire Date - Hire date of appointment from UC Path
Expected End Date - Expected end date of appointment from UC Path
Dept Code - Hiring department from UC Path
Eff Seq (Max of Effective_Sequence) - Effective sequence from UC Path
HR Status - Human Resources status; employee is active in UC Path
Empl.Status - Employment status; the position is active or not in UC Path

Employment Exception History Report

This report is used in order to review all current and historical employment exceptions for a student. The first section of the report shows all exceptions submitted to the Graduate Division since Fall 2018. The second section of the report shows all employment exceptions submitted to Graduate Division prior to Fall 2018.

The data provided in the Employment Exceptions report:

AIDYR - Academic year
Perm - Perm
Name - Name
Quarter -The quarter of employment in YYYYQ format. Quarter: 1=winter, 2=spring, 3=fall, 4=summer.
Exception_Type - The type of Employment Exception needed for the given quarter; % Time Exception, Academic Probation Exception, TA/Assoc Quarter Count Exception; Beyond Time to Degree Exception
Exception_Status - Is an exception required for the quarter: Required, Not Required
Exception_Approval_Status - Result of exception submitted: Approved, Denied, Ignore, Not Set
ApprovalDate - Date approval was granted
ExternalNotes - Notes added to the exception by Graduate Division from the review.
REG_KEY - key code (perm, aidyr, qtr)

Legacy Employment Exceptions

AIDYR - Academic year
Perm - Perm
Name - Name
Quarter -The quarter of employment in YYYYQ format. Quarter: 1=winter, 2=spring, 3=fall, 4=summer.
ExceptionCode - Type of exception: P=Academic Probation; I=Incomplete; N=Beyond Normative Time; E=Excess of 50% FTE; Q=Excess of 12 Quarters; G=Below 3.0 GPA; A=Associate appointment request; F=Fellowship Exception; S=100% Career Staff; U=UAW; T=Time to Degree
Approval - 1=Approved; 0=Denied
ApprovalDate - Date the exception approval decision was entered
Dept - Student’s Home department
PerTime - FTE% of position
Titlecode - HR job code of position
Notes - Any important notes related to approval decision
ProSAMStudentKEY - key code (perm, aidyr, qtr)

Employment Eligibility Report

This report is designed to quickly show a home department user which students have outstanding Employment Exceptions for a selected quarter and if any students receiving fee remission are registered below 8 units. Please remember that graduate students are required to be registered in at least 8 units to be eligible for academic employment.

The data provided in the Employment Eligibility report:

AIDYR - Academic year
SID - Perm
Name - Student Name
Term - Quarter
Under 8 Units - will show “Y” if the student is registered in less than 8 units for the selected quarter
Qtr Count (Exception) - will show “Y” if a Quarter Count employment exception is outstanding for the selected quarter
Beyond TTD (Exception) - will show “Y” if a Beyond Time to Degree employment exception is outstanding for the selected quarter
Over 75% (Exception) - will show “Y” if a Over 75% employment exception is outstanding for the selected quarter
Probation (Exception) - will show “Y” if a Probation employment exception is outstanding for the selected quarter
Student Department 1 - student’s home department
Student Department 2 -student’s home department 2
College - student’s college
Remission Level - student’s fee remission level for the selected quarter
Registration Status - student’s registration status for the selected quarter
Units Attempted/Study Units - student’s registered units for the selected quarter
Any Exception - will show “Y” if any employment exception type is required for the selected quarter
SortKey - please ignore
Potential Exception Needed (Units or Exception) - will show “Y” if any employment exception type is required or the student is under 8 units for the selected quarter

Home Department Verification Employment Report

This report is designed to quickly show a home department user which students have employment outside of the home department.

This report allows Home Academic Departments the ability to see when their students are employed outside their home department. Home departments can see either all employment from their students for a given quarter, or employment for a given student across multiple quarters.

While the Outside Hiring Department should be verifying that the student meets policy standards by submitting an Eligibility Verification from Home Department Form to the student’s Home Academic Department, this report provides a student’s home department the ability to ensure they have received all such necessary requests. Likewise, the report provides home departments a more complete picture of support being provided to their students.

To run the report

Login to GradPoint Financial and navigate to the Reports section. After selecting “Employment” in the Report Set and clicking “view” at the top of the page, you will see the tabs for the available employment reports at the bottom of the screen, select the “Employment Home Department Verification” tab.

The report defaults to all students who have or have had employment outside of the department. From here a user can view all students who are employed outside of the department during the specific quarter by searching on the quarter slicer. To search for a quarter, enter the year and the quarter number (4=Fall, 1=Winter, 2=Spring), for example Fall 2022 would be 20224.

Searching by a perm or employee Id and clearing the Quarter slicer will render the student’s entire employment history outside of the department. If no results are found then a UCPath appointment outside of the department does not yet exist.

Note: If the Dept Diff filter is set to “All,” the report will show employment for all students in the user’s home department irrespective of where they are employed, including those who are employed in the user’s home department.

Column Definition

Column Name


Column Name


Employee ID

The UC Path Employee ID of the employee in the Job. 


Student Perm


Student Name

Home Dept

Student’s Home Department

Home Dept Code

The accounting code of the home department


The academic quarter for which the Quarter FTE was calculated. 

Job Code

The Job Code for the calculated Job

Quarter FTE

The total calculated Quarter FTE

Hiring Dept Code

The accounting code of the hiring department

Hiring Department

The name of the hiring department


Effective Date

The first calendar day that the Job record is effective; note that this does not necessarily correlate to the start date of the Job.

Expected End Date

The calendar day that the Job is expected to end.  Note that the Job will not terminate on this date unless the "Auto-Terminate" setting is configured for the Job.  This value is not required.


The current level of fee remission eligibility

Empl. Rec

The numeral Job indicator which distinguishes the Job from others that the employee may hold.

Last Eff. Date

A computed field showing the last calendar day that the Job record is effective; this value is calculated by finding the next effective dated record for the same job and subtracting one day.  Will not be populated if the current record is the latest effective record for the Job.

Empl. Status

Code indicating the employee's status relative to the current Job record.  A = Active, any other value equates to inactive for the purposes of EFR.

Last Hire Date

The calendar day of the last time that the employee was hired into the position that this Job is associated with.

Potential Exception Needed

A “Y” in this column indicates the possibility of a required exception


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