Doctoral Form II (Advancement to Candidacy)

Doctoral Form II (Advancement to Candidacy)

Department and Graduate Division Responsibilities

The Faculty Graduate Advisor must sign the Doctoral Form II to confirm that:

  1. The student has completed all required coursework & departmental milestones

  2. The student is registered

If the student does not meet those requirements, don’t sign the form because the student is not yet eligible to advance to candidacy. Hold it until the requirements are met, then sign it.

The Graduate Division Academic Services staff is responsible for:

  • Checking that the student has a valid doctoral committee at the time of advancement to candidacy

  • Checking that the student was registered at the time of advancement to candidacy

  • Charging the advancement to candidacy fee to the student

  • Data entry of the qualifying exam in the Student Information System (which formally changes their class level from P1 to P2 in the system)

Full Policy on Advancement:
