Petition Statuses

Petition Statuses

The petition statuses are used to define a petition’s status in the approval process. It impacts what actions may be taken on a petition.

Awaiting Dept Chair Review

This status is assigned after a ‘Dept Advisor’ role has submitted a petition. Petitions in this status are visible in the My Work Queue for any users with a ‘Dept Chair’ role in the department that initiated the request.

Awaiting College Review

This status is assigned after a user with a ‘Dept Chair’ role has recommended approval of a petition. The petition is placed in an ‘Awaiting College Review’ status and a reviewer with a role of ‘College’ is assigned based on rules provided by the colleges.

Awaiting Registrar Processing

This status is assigned under one of the following conditions:

  • One of these petition types in ‘Awaiting College Review’ is approved by someone in a College Role

    • All ‘Other’ petitions

    • Any ‘Universal Equivalency’ petition with the Credit Adjustment Needed box checked

    • Any petition for a student with a Degree Status of P or F

  • One of these petition types in a ‘College Approved’ status is subsequently denied by someone in a College role or withdrawn by someone in a department role.

Petitions in this status appear in the My Work Queue for staff with a Registrar role. After someone in a Registrar role processes the petition, the petition moves into the status that prompted the Registrar processing.

College Approved

Assigned to petitions approved by a user in a College role. It may be applied to petitions in an Awaiting College Review or College Denied status.

College Denied

Assigned to petitions denied by a user in a College role. It may be applied to petitions in an Awaiting College Review or College Denied status.


A user with a Department role may withdraw one of their petitions at any point in the process. A user with a College role may withdraw a petition while it is in an Awaiting College Review status.


Please email darshelp@sa.ucsb.edu