Petition Components

Petition Components

This segment will cover some general information regarding the use of the various fields on the petition forms. The options available in many of the fields are dynamically generated based on your previous selections. Because of the dynamic nature of these fields, if you need to change a selection, you should always assume that any fields below the changed field will be cleared of their current content.



Add Course(s)

Substitute Course(s)

Universal Equivalency

Advisor Approval



Add Course(s)

Substitute Course(s)

Universal Equivalency

Advisor Approval


Program or GE Area



Catalog Year






Select Courses




Substitute For





UCSB Equiv





Student’s Course











Notify Student

Accept P/NP


Registrar’s Office: Credit Adjustment Needed





Messages to Student

Internal Comments

**The Accept P/NP field is included on the petition form but does not have any affect on the petition.

Program or GE Area

This drop down menu allows the user to select the Program (i.e. major) or GE area that the petition will affect. Options available to the user are determined by the Department(s) or College associated with the user’s Role for the workflow.

Catalog Year

This value is automatically populated based on the Program selected. If the program is already on the student record, the catalog year will populate with the major catalog year on the student’s record. If the program is not currently on the student record, it will populate with the current catalog year. The user may manually change this value to override the default.

Note: The Catalog Year does not actually affect the exception that is entered into uAchieve. All it does is vary which options will appear in the Requirements drop down and which courses will appear in the Substitute For field.


This drop-down field displays the Requirement options available for the selected Program or GE Area for the selected Catalog year. Only requirements that may be petitioned using the petition type selected will be displayed.

Select Courses

Used on the Add Courses and Substitute Courses petitions, this field displays courses from the student record. This includes completed courses, courses in progress for the current quarter, and any future quarter courses for which a student is registered. Courses are sorted by institution (with UCSB courses listed first), with each institution’s courses listed chronologically.

In addition, the list of courses may be filtered by entering text in the ‘Filter’ field. The filter will filter using any text in the Select Courses field including the department codes, course name or course number.

Petitions may be processed for current or future quarter courses. Once approved, the petitions may be verified using a WIP audit. If the student does not pass the course or drops the course, the petitioned course will not satisfy the requirement.

Multiple courses may be selected by holding down the ‘CTRL’ key (Command key in OS X) as you click on the courses.

Note: When transitioning to a new quarter, the system quarter will sometimes roll forward before all grades have been submitted for the previous quarter. At the point the system quarter rolls forward, any classes that do not have grades assigned will disappear from the list. They will return once the course has a grade assigned.

Substitute For

Used on the Substitute Courses petition. This field displays the courses associated with the option selected in the Requirement drop-down. Only courses approved for the selected Catalog Year will be displayed.

Multiple courses may be selected by holding down the CTRL key (Command key in OS X) while clicking on the desired courses.

UCSB Equiv

Used on the Universal Equivalency petition. Indicate the UCSB course that the Student’s Course selection is equivalent to.

Student’s Course

Drop down menu listing courses from the student’s record. Only one course may be selected. Courses are listed by institution, with UCSB courses appearing first on the list. Each institution’s courses are listed chronologically.


Used to specify the student request on the Other petition type.


The justification field is intended for the student’s justification for the request (i.e. why do they think the request should be approved.) The drop down field associated with the Justification text box contains the 10 most recent Justifications entered by the user for the current petition type. Selecting one of these options will automatically populate the Justification text box with the selected value which may then be edited, if needed.

Notify Student

If checked, when the petition is approved or denied by the college, a notification is sent to the student. This box is checked by default.

Accept P/NP

When checked, this text box will allow a course taken for a P/NP grade to be applied to a requirement that would normally only accept a letter graded course. This can be used for UCSB or transferred courses.

Registrar’s Office: Credit Adjustment Needed

Used on the Universal Equivalency petition to indicate that an adjustment needs to be made to the student’s UCSB record prior to the petition being processed. This will redirect the petition into the Registrar’s Queue after approval by the College.

An example would be if the Psychology department were verifying that a pre-matriculation transfer course was equivalent to PSY 5, but the student had subsequently taken PSTAT 5A at UCSB. If the petition were put through and nothing was done about the PSTAT 5A credit, it would result in a situation where SREG/STAR would retain units for both courses (it doesn’t know about these petitions), but any Degree Audits would remove credit for the PSTAT 5A course.

Make sure to specify the adjustment in the ‘Internal Comments’ field.

Messages to Student

This is a message that will be included in the notification email to the student. Please note that students do not have any other mechanism for viewing petitions. If the Notify Student box is unchecked, any Messages to Student that are entered will not be sent to the student.

Internal Comments

This text field is intended for messages intended for anyone who might view this petition in the future. This field is not included in the email notification to the student.

Note: While this field is not included in any notifications to the student, it is part of the student’s record and must be disclosed should the student ever request to see their complete record.


Please email darshelp@sa.ucsb.edu

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