Exception Workflow Overview

Exception Workflow Overview

The AAA Exception Workflow was designed to streamline the processing of petitions for degree requirements in the departments and colleges and to facilitate their entry into uAchieve, the application which stores all student exceptions for use on major progress checks.

When major progress checks were first launched at UCSB, the Academic Services unit in the Office of the Registrar was responsible for the data entry of all student petitions for degree requirements. This included data entering the backlog of petitions that already existed for majors that were being encoded, as well as any new petitions received for majors that were made available to the UCSB community.

The goals of the project included:

  • Replace paper petition approval process with an online resource

  • Make the process by which petitions are created as user friendly as possible by mimicking the existing process

  • Increase the speed of petition processing from the point of initiation through data entry into uAchieve.

  • Maximize the number of petitions that could be automatically entered into uAchieve in the fewest number of petition types to help reduce the amount of training required.

  • Minimize of petitions that would require manual intervention by the Academic Services staff in the Office of the Registrar.


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