My Work: Degree Audit Exceptions Queue

My Work: Degree Audit Exceptions Queue

The ‘My Work’ option in AAA is the section that users with Dept. Chair, College or Registrar’s may access to view petitions that are awaiting approval.

The screen will default to showing a particular subset of petitions based on the user’s permissions.

  • Dept. Chair: Shows petitions in ‘Awaiting Dept Chair Review’ that were submitted for a major from the user’s department.

  • College: Shows petitions ‘Awaiting College Review’ that were Assigned to the user. After approval by the Dept Chair, petitions are assigned to a specific advisor based on the student’s major.

  • Registrar: Displays petitions in ‘waiting Registrar Processing’.

Clicking on any one of the petitions will open the petition for display to the user. The sample below is a petition Awaiting College Approval.


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